All the truth about the true Creator, the Darkness, Satan and God

God is a “word”, and the Word creates this “word”

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Everything I will tell you, is not written in any book, it is not said by anybody neither in any speech nor in any report. Nobody thinks about it, and cannot think. This information will sound first and, hearing it,you can take it as you want, as consider necessary. Those who want to wake up, will listen to this information, will go deep and will understand, and those who sleep and want to sleep, let them sleep. This information is for those, who search and cannot find, this information is for those, who want the truth, who are not afraid to look at truth’s eyes, and those who are afraid, that is better not to listen. I am not a speaker and I am not a politician, I cannot talk correctly and beautifully, I talk as well as I talk, and I talk that I talk.And your case is to perceive everything that you will hear,as you consider necessary. If a man wants to listen to me, he will listen, if a man does not want to listen, he will not listen. If this information is interesting for a man, and he wants to wake up and he is not afraid to listen to the truth, he will listen it to the end.And if a man is afraid of truth, is afraid to open a door,he will not listen it, but he will live in fear-it will be his choice.

At the beginning I want to appeal to those, who name themselves Satanists and adherents of Dark Forces and to those, who name themselves the Dark. I am the Dark myself, I am the adherent of Dark Forces, I am a Satanist. I am the one to whom Satan has given the name which I will have after my death. I am the one, who have seenHell,I am the one, to whom Satan has shown Hell. I am the one, who have seen Purgatory, I am the one, who have seen Paradise from afar, I am the one, who have talked with Satan. So,in the name of Satan,in the name of all Dark Forces,in the name of all Dark, I speak to those, who name themselves Satanists and Dark:My dear,don’t disgrace the name of Satan and names of Dark! Do nothing bad to people, don’t offend anybody, neither people nor all living. Don’t do muck to people,don’t spill blood, don’t make any sacrifices! Don’t break crosses, do nothing bad at all. Carry the name of Satan with honour and respect and observe the only commandment, given by the true Creator, I repeat once more, not by God, but the true Creator,the only commandment: love EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY! It is the only commandment, which both Dark and White need and must observe. And you can ask me, what is the sense of all, where is the Evil and where is the Good? You will understand it later,when you will listen to me to the end. And I tell you once more – you must do nothing bad to anybody and don’t do bad to anybody and to anything! Both Dark Forces and White Forces are identical, there is not a difference between a black square or a white one.How does the black square differ from the white one?Absolutely by nothing, only by color,How does Dark Force differ from Light Force?Absolutely by nothing!

Believe me. And why has Satan and his spirits become Dark force, you will know later.  How does white differ from black?Absolutely by nothing, only by colour. If you think that a black square is bad,you can hate it, and a white one is good,you can love it. If black clothes are bad- hate them, and if white clothes are good- love them. But you do not do so, because you know that black differs from white only by colour. Why do monks carry the black clothes?Though monks are the adherents of Light Force, why don’t they carry light white clothes? Because you can dress everything you want,you can give preference to any force both Dark and Light,be sure, they don’t differ from each other,they differ only by colour.

So how does Dark Force differ from Light Force? You can say me, that Dark Force does evil, and Light Force does good. And I tell you, that evil and good can’t be associated with any force.You will understand me, when will listen to me to the end. I want you to hear me by soul and by heart,in order to think deeper - that a black square differs from a white one by nothing, only by colour. That Dark Force differs by nothing from Light Force, because all must stand, live and observe the only commandment,the only law. It is given to us not by God, but the true Creator.This commandment is to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY! I am the one who tells it to you,I am Dark to whom Satan has given the name, who has seen Hell, Purgatory and partly Paradise. I tell you in the name of Satan and in the name of all Dark and of all Dark Force.Both Dark and Light stand under the only Creator, not God, but the Creator. And both Dark and Light, must observe the only commandment of the Creator, not God, I repeat, but the true Creator – love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY! It is a commandment of the Universe, and everybody is equal under it!Don’t turn the Star of Satan,the Star of Satan has never been turned.From the beginning and to nowadays the Star of Satan has a proper shape, it is the sign of Satan and you must not turn it! And it is impossible to turn a star,I want you to understand me - it is impossible to turn a square. As long as you turn it,it remains a square, it is impossible to turn a cross,as long as you turn it,it remains a cross. It is impossible to turn a star,as long as you turn a star,it stands on two feet, up at the edge, it is impossible to turn it. If you turn any object, any technique, house etc. from feet to a head,it will be deformity. So you must not turn the Star of Satan, it is simply impossible to turn it, because its proper and unique shape is when it stands on two feet, up at the edge. That’s why the Star is the Star and will be the Star forever, it was,is and will be a sign of Satan and it cannot be changed. He is God who turned and modified everything.

Now I say the following. How dare You, especially, the so-called Satanists and those who call themselves Dark,turn the Star and implant  the head of an animal, called the goat, in it and associate all this ugliness with Satan. Why don't You associate the Son of God, who, as they say in the Bible,is the Lamb of God, that is a sheep, with an animal? Why isn’t the son of God portrayed on the icons as a ram or a sheep with horns? No, he is portrayed with a human face. It's a fact - I don't deny it. So why do You depict Satan with the head of the animal, i.e. goat? I declare in the name of all Dark Forces: do not turn the Star, don't implant the head of the animal (goat)in it and do not do any evil,any sacrifice or don’t do anything bad under the sign of the Star.Because then the punishment will be severe for your evil,you will understand it when will listen to me to the end. So God turned and modified everything. And those of You who are not afraid to hear the truth,listen to me and who are afraid or scared, "shut the door of your soul," and pray to God.

Now let's talk about God. Who is he? It's very simple, my dear, believe me, everything is on the surface,you only need to take it. But God closed everything from people because he did not want people to know the truth.Listen to the following, what is written in the Bible? In the Bible it is written: "And there was a Word", i.e. in other words (understand me deeper, think deeper) at the beginning there was the Word, then God had the Word, then there was the word "God". Think of these words, think deeper. First there was the Word,there was the one who created the Word, then there was the word "God". In other words,there was the one who created the Word, He created the word "God", and then at the third turn, He created God as a Spirit.I repeat once more,as a Spirit.The true Creator cannot be called a "word". Because I say: "the Creator" and this is already the word. I say: "The Creator of the word" and these are also the words, in other words, the Creator is behind "the word," He stands out of the “Word”, He is beyond "words", there are no words to express the Creator, the Creator cannot be put into words.

I don't know how I can convey it to You, it needs Your insight to understand what I want to say to You. You express your thoughts by words,you express your feelings by words, and the Creator cannot be expressed by a word, it is impossible to appeal to Him by words, you can only perceive Him by a heart and by a soul. If You appeal to the Creator by words, Your words in this world will go to the one who is the word himself, that is, to God. The word can be used only to the words but the Creator is not a word, so He doesn't need Your words, It's enough for Him that You remember Him and know that He exists!

If the Creator calls himself "the word," He will not be the Creator of the Word. He will be a certain word, no matter how it will sound, no matter how it will be pronounced, no matter whether it will be the name or some other title, but it will be "the word". The Creator is beyond words. I want You to understand me-it is the simple truth, that lies on the surface,you only need to understand and accept it.The whole World is made of words. The Word is the main and the key basis of the World. If the Creator calls himself "the word," He will be registered to the World of words.And He cannot be registered to the World of words, as He stands above the World of words. For example: imagine that you have created a man somewhere, in some kind of Void, and have given him the name "man",so You have to be called the "Creator of a man". If You call yourself the”Creator of a man”, You'll belong to the world of a man, and will be connected with him, and You cannot be called so, because You have many different creations. So You will appoint the chief man to manage, will give him the plan of management, but You will not register yourself to the world of a man. Because You're above the world of man, and You have millions of such worlds.

            Let’s take the Universe of the Cosmos, the one which we can see and the one which we cannot see-it is one Creation. And the Creator has a lot of them, and He cannot belong to any Creation, because He is beyond the Creation.

Let's go back to our World. In our Creation the key factor is the Word.The Word was at the beginning. The Creator, having created the Word, is out of the word himself. No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to express the Creator, because we express our thoughts by words. And God is "the word".He was, is and will be – "the word". God is the Spirit created by the Creator.

God is "the word", and the Word creates this "word".

Further the Bible is: "And the Word was with God". Look carefully,from the point of view of grammar. If you disassemble the sentence into primary and secondary members of the sentence- 1) "there was the Word" - in the foreground (the primary member of the sentence) is the Word. 2) "And the Word was with God" – here also in the foreground (the primary member of the sentence) is the Word. 3) "And the Word was God" - here also in the foreground (the primary member of the sentence) is the Word. So we see that even according to the Bible, the Word is in the foreground, and the secondary (the secondary member of the sentence) is already the word "God". Now You can see that the main thing is the Word,everything have begun of it.So according to the Bible, which has been copied many times and has so many nuances, it turns out: - "there was the Word" - I agree with it, then – "And the Word was with God" - here I disagree. You will understand me when you will listen to me to the end. Because the "word" cannot be withGod,because he is already the word "God" himself.Then,thirdly – "And the Word was God", but in the second context, the Word was already with God, and if the Word was with God, accordingly, God already existed. So, it turns out that the right variant is: "And the Word" and "And the Word was God" and only then "And the Word was with God." First there was the "word" which the Creator created, then there was the word "God". That is, the Creator created the first "word", the second word of the Creator was the word "God". And as soon as the Creator said the word "God" appeared the Spirit – in this way God appeared. That is, God is the Spirit which is created by the Creator.

                 And only now - "And the Word was with God" because when the Creator created God as a Spirit, gave Him the Alphabet (speaking in human language). And the Creator gave to God, "the plan of the creation of the World" because God could not know how to create everything. The Creator gave God the Alphabet and gave instruction how to use the Alphabet, but God did not know what was the Alphabet made of, what were the letters of the Alphabet made of.He did not know all depth of this Alphabet. It knows only the one who has created the Alphabet, i.e. the Creator. And the Creator said to God: "As soon as the word is created of this Alphabet, everything that matches that word will appear!"

And the Creator said to God as to a lazy student: "Create Light!". And God created Light and became the Light himself, because God was created in Darkness, and the Darkness surrounded the God. Now You realize that Light is created in Darkness, Darkness is the matter or substance in which God is created (as Light). But the Darkness was not opened to God. God does not know what is the Darkness because He is the Light himself,the Light in Darkness. Look at the sky, the darkness of Space is boundless, and there are points of light in it,there are lots of them (God made them), but they are still in the darkness.It means that Light is hanging in the Darkness, and that Darkness is much stronger and it's the Truth and you must admit it, and Darkness cannot be bad, but you will know about that later. So, God created Light and became the Light himself.

               Then the Creator said to God: "Create Spirits after your own image and after your likeness!". And, God created Spirits after His own image and after his likeness. In other words, God created Spirits of the Alphabet after His own image,so they had a resemblance to God, and after His likeness,so they had the brain activity exactly the same as God had – one hundred percent of the development of so-called brain. I tell it to You in human language, to make it easy to understand. And God created the Spiritual World. And God created the Spirits in the Light and the Spirits were the part of the Light themselves. So God created His Son, Satan and all other Spirits. How many Spirits created God on the first stage?- Very much, believe me. The first Spirits that had been created by God under the guidance of the Creator,didnot differ from God neither in appearance, nor in brain development. The only difference was that God had the Alphabet, the first Spirits knew about it.They also knew that the Alphabet was given to God by the Creator. And none of the Spirits could create the Words of the Alphabet.Only God could create them, as He was set by the Creator, and the Creator gave Him the Alphabet, and the first Spirits also knew it. After the Creator had created the Spiritual World He gave to God, as I already told You, "the Plan of the creation of the World" and the Creator went out of this World. But Light was created in Darkness.That is why the Darkness will always control the Light. Look at the starry sky - "the Light is the crumbs of bread on the table of Darkness", if light disappears, it will be Outer darkness. But the Darkness scares all of us only because all the Spirits and we- humans are created in the Light. The darkness has the deepest essence that nobody can understand.

Now, when God had got "the Plan of creation of the World", He began to create Light, Planets, Galaxies, Worlds, Dimensions and so on.Everything that God created He created in presence of the Spirits. And the more God worked and created, the more the Spirits rejoiced, as "the Plan of creation of the World"was brought to Spirits and Spirits were as organic inseparable whole of this World. But God does not know what is the "core" of the spirit made of, that is, He does not fully know what is He created of. It's like people, it seems we know what we are made of but we can't fully understand ourselves. All these millions of bacterias that we have in our body, all these processes that happen within us,have studied, but we still do not understand them. So God knows what He is and Spirits are made of, but He cannot fully understand what He is and Spirits are made of. That is why God has no the power over the first Spirits, He has no such opportunities.

Creating new Planets, Galaxies, Dimensions, etc., God,certainly, have mastered the Alphabet perfectly. But by this day He does not know what it consists of, what the Alphabet is made of. And He will not know it,it is not given Him to know. It knows only the one who has created the Alphabet. Having mastered the Alphabet perfectly, God creates new and new words.In this way the words "EVIL" and "GOOD"were created. When these words were created,the activities that matched these words were created.The same was with the word "lie", and under it the corresponding action was created, the word "hate" and under it the corresponding action also was created, the word "murder", the word "violence". Notice,there are actions under each word. Now You understand that black and white differs from each other only by colour,as well as Dark and Light.Dark can't be bad and Light can’t be good. I want You to understand me by heart and by soul, open your eyes, everything is very simple. And the more time passed the more new words were created. So we know that in ancient times there were no as many words as now. New and new words are appeared. So, for example, the words: "rocket", "doctor", "car", "Institute", etc.appeared.Each word has a corresponding action and each word has its own meaning. So, You now understand that there is no on Earth any action, any subject, which is not marked by words. For example: HOME, we mark by the word "house", and if there is NOT HOME, then we mark it by the words – "there is not home".

             The word is all of which the World was created .If there are no Words there won’t be Thoughts,won’t be anything. Try to think about something or to do something without formulating it into words, You will not be able to do this. And it is not speech and language. No, my dear, if it was speech or language, we would think differently.We think, imagine, dream by Words. The word is everything,everything started with the Word. First there was the word.The Word plays a major role, because it comes from Alphabet, which is given by the Creator and is used by God. So everything started with the Word. Exactly as it is written in the Bible and that is absolutely correct.

Now, my dear, let's think, who governs on Earth? We are told that Satan and the Dark Forces do. Satan cannot govern and the Dark Forces cannot govern on Earth – Satan doesn’t have the Alphabet! Satan cannot create words and new things, he does not have the capacity to do so, only God does absolutely everything, everything is in his hands.

According to the Plan of the Creator all Creations were created for the good of the Spirits,everything was for the Spirits. Because, if the creation doesn’t delight the Spirit,doesn’t bring joy and pleasure to the Spirit,the creation won’t be usefull.For example, take school. The school is built with all the conveniences and conditions for people. If the school is not designed for people but only for a Director, what is the benefit from school? So, if the creation doesn’t delight and bring pleasure to the Spirit, then whom will it delight, whom will it be created for? Everything was created only for the joy of the Spirits. According to the Plan of the Creator the Spirits were allowed to travel around the Creation, to travel to different Times, Dimensions, Planets, Galaxies and so on. Accordingly,when the Spirit was traveling on a physical level he passed through the stones, trees, without feeling touching them. So according to the Plan of the Creator God had to create the physical body for the Spirit, so that having entered the physical body, the Spirit could touch  trees, feel ground under his feet, eat  fruits that grew on one or another Planet. So it was done, God,according to the Plan of the Creator,made the physical body on the physical level and the Spirits entered the physical bodies. These were not human bodies,these were bodies,similar to those You could see looking at pictures of aliens.There were many bodies, as there were many Planets and each Planet was preceded by its body. Each body was beautiful in its own way, and each Spirit could choose one or another Planet,one or another body, and stayed in it, in this body, as much as he wanted.The Spirits needn’t any clothes on the physical body. According to the Plan of the Creator the physical body needn’t anything, neither food nor some other. And it also was not afraid neither cold nor heat.So, the Spirit controlled the physical body. When God closed the Spirit in the physical body, the physical body began to control the Spirit. The physical body began to require food, it required to shelter it from the cold, from the rain, from the heat. And in addition to it, God gave the physical body diseases. If according to the Plan of the Creator the Spirit did not have to take care of the physical body, but just to use it, then according to the plan of God, the Spirit had to take care of the physical body.

Spirits in the physical body traveled across the Planet,being glad to it, eating different fruit,delighting in the Creation. In general, the Spirit every day could go to the spiritual world through an easy meditation, and could easy come back into the body. But the Spirits usually went into the spiritual world at night and during the day they traveled across the Planet. Why did the Spirits go into the spiritual world at night? Because the Spirits were created by God in Light and preferred Light, the Darkness was strange and frightening to them.That’s why the Spirits went into the spiritual world at night. When the Spirit thought that his journey on this Planet had finished, in other words,the Spirit had learned everything about this Planet, and it was not interesting to him, then he left the physical body on this Planet forever and went to the spiritual world. The Spirit easily could leave the physical body and enter into the spiritual world, to continue the journey to other Worlds and Planets. The Spirit could stay in one body and on one Planet as long as he decided at least a year, hundred years, thousand years. Everything depended on whether he was interested in one or another planet. This period can be associated with Paradise, which we are told of, because at that time there was not Hell.

That is, according to the Plan of the Creator, God created everything for the good of the Spirits.So he unwillingly served them himself. The Spirits traveled through different Dimensions,to different Planets, changing bodies,being glad to all creations, loving all creations and abode the only commandment of the Creator. They loved the Creation, they loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.Thus God worked as though for the Spirits and did not receive any pleasure. And the Spirits knew that God was not the Creator, that He was appointed by the Creator.He creates and makes everything of the Alphabet and according to the Plan of the Creator, and He must and should make and create everything only for the good of the Spirits. But as the Creator is beyond this World – the World of Words, and God knows about it, and God knows that the owner and the Creator of this World is He- God, the outrage and indignation overflew God: "Why must I, the maker and the Creator of this World, work for these Spirits while they rejoice carelessly, traveling across the Creation?". And then God decided that it would not longer be so. And God decided that the Spirits could have only one physical body and could be on the same Planet, as much as He wanted. And God closed the Spirits in the physical bodies. And God said: "Now you will work for me, now you will be my slaves. Now I'll decide how long you will be in a physical body and when you’ll leave it". And God did it – He closed all the Spirits that were in physical bodies and made the Spirits seek and obtain their own food, make their own clothes, seek a shelter. That is, the physical body began to control the Spirit, and the Spirit began to work and to please the physical body. And the Spirits cried out when they realized that they were deceived, and the Spirits began to suffer, and the Spirits began to beg pardon for God.They thought that they could offend Him and asked to forgive them and give them the opportunity to return to the spiritual world. But God did not answer for their prayers, He took revenge on the Spirits for their careless existence, now God realy was happy. The only thing that troubled God was how did the Creator react to this? But the Creator did not intervene in the World of Words, and God undrestood that the master of the World was He.

So, when God closed all Spirits in physical bodies and Spirits cried, then the following happened. Then Satan rebelled and protested and shouted Satan at God: "What are You doing?  Who gave You the right? How dare You break the Law of the Creator?” But God replied that He knew better what to do. He has Alphabet and He is God,He creates and makes everything, and He has the right to decide what to do and He doesn't want to hear and listen anyone. And God said to Satan: "If you are against my actions, then you're against Me. If you don't support my actions, then you do not support Me. So, go away,I don't want to see you again".Most of the Spirits joined Satan, they gathered together and decided to go away from God. But where could they  go, they were in Light, they were with God. And when they went away from God,came out of the Light, then the Darkness was in front of them. And Spirits frightened, because the Darkness was closed for everyone.

              And Satan said: "Darkness is unknown to us, we don't know what it is, maybe we'll disappear forever. So,those who are afraid, go back to the Light of God". But almost all the Spirits followed Satan into the Darkness. The God watched as the Spirits disappeared in the Darkness, He didn't count on that. He thought that the Spirits would be afraid of Darkness, would beg pardon for Him and would work for Him. But when the Spirits disappeared in the Darkness, God realized that He lost these Spirits forever. And if those Spirits exist,they will remain His enemies forever. As the Darkness was, is and will be closed to God forever. When Satan had left with his Spirits for the Darkness, the Darkness opened before them. Why did Satan go into the Darkness?Because there was only Light and Darkness and nothing else. If you're not in the Light, then you are in the Darkness and vice versa. The Darkness opened itself before them and hid them under its wing. Because Satan rebelled against injustice, Darkness took Satan and the Spirits. The Darkness helped Satan and Spirits to build magnificent and unique, a huge building, which had no end and had no edge. And it was called Hell.

 Believe me, I was in Hell, I saw Hell. I don't want to embellish or exaggerate, but believe me, it's even better than Paradise. Why? Because, look at the sky – Light is in the Darkness, Light is weeker than Darkness. So if the Light created Paradise, imagine what the great Darkness created. Hell is something that cannot be described by words, it'sindescribable beauty, but it is in Darkness. When the Darkness opened itself to the Spirits, they stopped distinguishing what was Darkness, they began to see in the Darkness as well as in Light. In short - the Darkness took them, the Darkness opened itself to them.The Spirits can see in Darkness as well as in the Light. Darkness became native to them. Satan and the Spirits took it and began to call themselves Dark Spirits, Dark Force. So a division happened into two camps. That is some Spirits are in Light, others are in Darkness.

It does not mean that some are good and others are bad. For example, if some gnats or bugs lived in the light, and then they did not like the light and they left for the night and became night gnats or bugs.Did they become bad after that?Of course not. God called Satan bad. When Satan with the Spirits had gone, God could do nothing, as the Darkness hid the Spirits. God is Light, and He is much weaker than Darkness, as He is created in Darkness. Look at the sky once more, though there are many stars of light, they are bread crumbs on the table of Darkness. So God was angry with Satan and with the Spirits that had gone with him, because God expected them to be scared of Darkness and would beg pardon for Him. God called them bad and called them enemies, because He could do nothing with them. And as the Darkness hid the Spirits, God dared to associate Darkness with bad, and attributed Evil to Darkness, although He was created in the Darkness himself. See, what a paradox! And God has created fear of Darkness among people. Because people are also Spirits that are created in the Light by God, but they are created much later than those first Spirits. So, my dear, do not be afraid of the Dark. If the Light (and the Light is God) was created in Darkness, Darkness, figuratively speaking – is like a womb where the fetus was born. In other words, Darkness came from the Creator. So love both the Light and Darkness. Why you need to love Light, you'll understand when you will listen to me to the end. Now You understand what have happened and that Darkness can't be bad and Light can’t be good and vice versa. Darkness is Darkness and the Light is the Light. They differ from each other only by colour and do not carry neither evil nor good to anyone, and all Evil and Good is only from God.

The Spirits who scared of Darkness and stayed with God and His Son, also were not bad. They also wish nothing bad to anyone,the Light and the Dark are exactly the same. For example, white and black sheep are grazing on a field. How do they differ from each other?They are identical. And black and white sheep identically chew a grass,identically bleat, and nothing distinguishes them from each other, they are absolutely identical.They have the same fur, they differ from each other by nothing, as they are created according to the only Plan of the Creator.A black sheep cannot kill a white sheep,it is not created for this. Black sheep said to white sheep:”We can't harm you, we are just like you, so why do you consider us to be bad?” And the white sheep have nothing to answer, they are silent, but they understand that the black sheep are right. But thewhite sheep can say nothing, because a shepherd with an iron stick stands above them, he can severely punish them. And the shepherd says that the black sheep are bad, and the white sheep are good and the white sheep stupidly agree, as their fear before shepherd surpassed the common sense. And Dark Spirits are the same as Light Spirits and Dark Spirits can’t cause pain and suffering to Light Spirits, because they stand under the only Creator and all of them are identical. But God (the shepherd) makes the Dark bad, in order to disclaim His responsibility for His illegal and evil deeds. Both God and His Son make the Light Spirits fight against the Dark Spirits and the Dark Spirits give a deserving rebuff, because the Dark are in Darkness, and the Darkness is stronger than Light.The Darkness is the substance in which the God-Light is created and Dark Spirits have neither horn nor hoof, they are the same as Light Spirits. I saw them, I spoke to the Dark. They are very beautiful,tall Spirits, who have a shining tone of a skin but they are dressed in black. And Light Spirits have the same tone of skin but their clothes are white. That's the only difference.

I want to tell you briefly about the first battle between the Dark Spirits and the Light Spirits. When Satan with the Spirits disappeared in the Darkness,they were not seen and God couldn't control the Darkness.So after expiration of some time, God and His Son began to scold Satan and the Dark Spirits.He said that they were bad and fought against God.The Light Spirits had to accept everything that God and His Son said as they stayed with God, chose the Light, and it meant they had to obey the master of the Light. You may ask, why haven’t other Spirits gone away into Darkness, if the Darkness is stronger and it is better to be in the Darkness. You will understand it when you will listen to me to the end.So God said to his Son to cause Satan and his Spirits on a fight. God really wanted to look at the Spirits when they would come out of theDarkness. God using the Alphabet created a strong weapon, because He did not know how the situation would develop. When the Son of God stood before the Darkness and called the Satan and the Dark Spirits to fight, Satan heard Him and came out with their Spirits to battle. And two huge forces clashed on neutral territory that divided the Light and the Darkness. Those who recently were the organic whole were divided into two camps,due to the treachery of God. And the battle began. Dark Spirits can see in Light as well as in Darkness, as the Darkness has opened itself before them, and they are created in the Light. But the Light Spirits cannot see well in darkness as the Darkness is closed for them. The Dark Spirits threw the Light Spirits in one blow, and entered the territory of the Light, i.e.the territory of God. And at that moment God gave his Son a terrible weapon created of the Alphabet, and the Son of God smote Satan and smote all the Dark Spirits. And Dark were thrown out into the Darkness.

God and His Son, began to celebrate the victory.They were proud of themselves and offended the names of the Dark. And then God said to all theLight Spirits, "Look, I am the strongest among everybody and among everything. And everyone who prays on me will get power over the spirits who are in physical bodies from me. In all created worlds, in all dimensions, in all time frames. And you will also have power over those who have not created yet, but will be created”. And God said to his Spirits: "And you will not obey to anyone only to me and to my son.The Light is good, I am the master here, and the Darkness is bad, it has taken those who are against me”. Thus God offended the substance, in which he was created. It's like a child that had cursed the mother's womb,in which he was born.How strong does He hate the Darkness and the Spirits which It has taken!? And then God said: "Hell is in the Darkness, it is a bad place, say to everybody that it is badly there, there's a fire and suffering there. And Paradise is the Light,it is well here and everyone is happy”. And all the Spirits agreed with God, because they were afraid of him, and they wanted to have power over all the Spirits, who were not in the spiritual world but in the physical, temporal, etc.

And at certain times battles between the Dark and the Light take place on a neutral territory.When the Dark win,they cannot enter the territory of the Light, as Light apply the weapon created by God,as this weapon doesn’t work anywhere else. And when the Light win,they cannot enter the territory of the Dark, as they at once find themselves in a terrible darkness, where they cannot see anything and are absolutely powerless. So they fight on a neutral territory, and do not understand for what they fight. God and his Son constantly cause the Dark to fight. And when the Light win, God and His Son are proud and praise themselves and make the Light Spirits praise them.As both Light and Dark cannot enter each other's territory, the victory is determined by the presence of the remaining Spirits. Yes, yes, quite right, Spirits are destroyed in the battle. And as soon as the Dark or the Light Spirit is destroyed,he immediately reborns in Hell or in Paradise, but he cannot participate in this battle but he can watch the battle from Hell or Paradise. I want to tell you honestly that the Dark rarely win the fight, because the Dark is less than the Light. Because no one went to Hell, and everyone went to Paradise,aimed at Paradise and were afraid of Hell, because God had created in people the fear of Hell,of the Dark and the Darkness. That’s why, the Light Spirits are much more than the Dark Spirits, difference in the number of the Spirits is crazy. Nevertheless the Dark never conceded and fought until the last breath.

You may ask where do the rapists and murderers, etc.get to? My dear, everybody get to Purgatory,some of them get to Paradise and nobody get to Hell! Because if you want to get to Hell, it is necessary to admit the true Creator, to observe the only commandment of the Creator - love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.You must be the perfect Spirit and after death you must choose Hell.It is the only way to get into Hell, but nobody does it, because when people are offered Paradise or Hell,everybody chooses Paradise. Because everyone is afraid of Hell,because God and His Son talk only bad things about Hell,the Dark and the Darkness. When you will listen to me to the end, then you will understand that there is no difference between Paradise and Hell. I'm from the Darkness,I saw Paradise from a distance. Yes,it is the same how it is described - an infinite number of structures,beautiful on their own way stand in the Light. Simply Paradise is in the Light and Hell is in the Darkness - that's the only difference. In Hell there is no lie that exists in Paradise towards Hell, which God spreads.

God went on to create and make of the Alphabet more and more planets, galaxies, measurements in the Light.In this way God created and Spirits. But God knew and understood:”If I create theSpirits with a perfect mental development like I have,It will be very difficult to send these Spirits to the physical or other bodies.I’illneed to persuade the Spirit, and if the Spirit does not want to do it,I’ll be able to send It to the physical or another body only for fear”. That’s why, when creating the next Spirits, God began to reduce the mental abilities of Spirits and new Spirits began to obey God. For example, take one person who communicates with another person with the same mental abilities as his.It is very difficult to one person to convince the other person that he is right. And if he cannot convince other person that he is right, then he can only intimidate him. And if the other person has the mental ability lower than one person has, then it is easy for one person to persuade the other person that he is right. And if a person is mentally retarded, then such a person is easily deceived, and you can control him as you want.In this way, God began to close mental abilities in the Spirits more and more.

And then the turn of the Earth came and the Spirits who came to Earth with a minimum of mental abilities, 5% or 10%, it did not matter, but they were the spirits with a minimum of mental abilities. So,when some Spirits were closed on the first planets by deception they had 100% mental abilities,and they bore Spirits with the same 100% ability. Because if they bear the Spirit in the physical body (the child)with 80% or 70%  mental abilities,the child will be considered, speaking with our language –to be moron. So those first Spirits stepped far in their development. Then God created the Spirits with 50% mental abilities and their children were born with the same abilities. And these Spirits stepped far in their development. Then there were the Spirits with 20% abilities and theyborn the same Spirits. And these spirits also stepped far - mental communication, intergalactic flights, etc. All these Spirits have different physical bodies, but not human. And on one of the stages, God created the Spirits with a minimum of mental abilities and sent them to Earth. No matter,were they Adam and Eve or other Spirits. And God gave these Spirits and the Earth at the disposal of his Son and his devoted Light Spirits.As it was a gift of God to his Son,so the Spirits were sent to the physical bodies, which corresponded to their image and likeness. That is only on Earth, in contrast to the other planets, the Spirit has the same image and likeness as his body.

                     The Son of God let his faithful and devoted Spirits govern on Earth, because he thought that the Earth was his planet. And the Spirits began to govern on Earth. And every Spirit created his own religion, and a lot of religions appeared. God didn’t like it at all. And God said to his Son: "There are many different religions on your planet Earth,but nobody worship to you according to any religion. Come and bring people over your faith,over God - the Father and His Son”. After that, the Son of God got off on Earth.Whether the Son of God was crucified  and how it was, I would not tell you - it did not matter.As you know about this what you know, and you know as much as you know.After the Son of God had come on the Earth,the religion of the Only Father and the Son was established. So now we can see that in many religions on Earth is the main God, and in some religions God has a Son and assistants.The false about Satan was also created.They told that Satan had tempted Eve. It was told to justify the acts of God and His Son on Earth.

                   From the beginning God hates all the Spirits, because the Spirits which are created by the Creator are free and God must serve them like our president must serve the people,and it turns that people serve the president like his slaves. So God made the Spirits His slaves. But Dark Spirits are not His slaves, and He cannot do anything with them. So he slandered them and made them his enemies.

God goes on governing.He will govern for a very short period of time, but He has little time to govern. Yes,I agree that God has made and has created everything, but I want to add that He has created and has made everything of the Plan of the Creator and of the Creator’s Alphabet. Accordingly, you can say that God has created everything, well,you can say so. But God is the fictitious creator, two Creators cannot be.Only one Creator can be, He is the one! The creator is beyond words,there are not words that can express the Creator.There will not be words that will express the Creator because the Creator is outside our world, the world of the Word. But God is the "word", and God is the created Spirit himself.

Think about it, according to the Bible, God chose the Jewish people (no matter if he would choose another people). But the Creator cannot have the chosen people, because He is the Creator and everybody is equal for the Creator. But God calls himself the Creator and choose some people,it is strange,isn’t it. All nations and all people are equal and alike for the Creator.The Creator cannot have a chosen Force-neither Dark nor Light,all of them are equal for him, because He is the Creator. If the true Creator,for some reason, give preference to someone, the one who is out of favor with the Creator,will die,he will die of grief. Because there is no more terrible grief and trouble than that, when the true Creator turns away from you, and He does not need you, it's the worst! That is why the Creator has not, and cannot have privileged nation or privileged forces. Imagine if God - the Creator, whom he imagines himself, choose the Jewish people, what will the rest of the nations do?Will they be the servants of the Jews? This is nonsense, this is absurd!The true Creator has not chosen people,all of them are equal for him, because He is the Creator! Only those can choose their favourites who are created themselves, those who are afraid and struggle for power, who are weak. Only such person will choose privileged ones. God has chosen the Light, because He has created the Light according to the plan of the Creator, and He is the Light himself. Satan went into the Darkness,the Darkness is unattainable for God. If God says that He is the Creator, then how can the Creator give preference to anyone,either the Light or the Dark? No, of course, the Light and the Darkness are equal for the Creator! And He will not give preference to anyone.So our God is a fictitious one.

Let us take more clear example for you, an example from our life about an owner and a director of a plant.The owner of a plant came and gave money and a plan,according to which the director had to create a plant. The director took the money and the plan and began to build the plant. The owner was present at the initial stage of the building and then flew to another country. The director built the plant for this money and according to the plan of the owner,employed workers and began to produce some products. The owner has flown away and no one knows about him.Of course they know but no one has ever seen him, except for the director. Accordingly, the Director governs at the plant, he's the king and the god. He rewards, encourages, punishes, chooses privileged ones, etc. That is, the director is like the owner at the plant. And if the first assistants of the director have heard more about the true owner, the workers think that the director is the true owner. Moreover, the first assistants of the director have got the power over the workers and,of course, say that the director is the owner.That’s why all the workers believe that the director is the owner and pray to him, and are afraid of him. And he calls them his slaves, and they agree, only to please the director, because they are afraid of kicks of the Director, and disease, suffering, and misery and pain, etc.

That is,now God is the owner on Earth and everywhere in the Universe, and in this little world, I do not deny it. I do not deny that God is the fictitious creater. And God and His Son governed,govern and will govern for some little time in this small Universe. But soon, very soon the time of the director and his son will come to the end. The director will be changed. And it is your right to choose under whom you will be:under the director or under the owner, i.e.under God or under the Creator. I'm not saying that you have to renounce God, nowise, it can do only favourites. Those who will do so, will be severely punished by the director and his son. He will beat you in sickness and suffering, in physical, moral and psychological tortures.You know yourself what strikes we can expect from God and His Son here on Earth. A slave must not lift his head, a slave must be humbly silent and bear everything.So,only those can renounce the director and his son who are not afraid of their punches and punishment. So the only selected ones can renounce the director and his son, and accept the true owner, that is the true Creator. The rest of the people cannot do it, but no one requires you to renounce God (director), live as well as you live.

I just want to inform you and to say the following: I want you to understand me, and I want you to realize the only thing:who is the true Creator. And did you know what the Creator said? He has not named you his slaves and does not require you to worship to him, he does not do this as God does. God called you slaves,He said”Worship only to me, I'm jealous,if you don’t worship to me,you will burn.” No, the Creator does not do this, the Creator says: "Remember that I exist! Remember,do not forget that I exist! ".That is the only thing that the Creator says. And the Creator said the only law,the only commandment: "Love EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING." That's all that the Creator said.Everything is said by these words and everyone is equal under this law - the commandment,. That’s why, you can choose under whom you will be: under the director of the plant, that is God or under the owner - the true Creator, this is your choice, it is your right. But I want to tell you once more that only selected can choose the owner,that is the Creator.The others will choose the director and will be under thedirector, that is God, as they will be afraid of God’s punishment. And believe me,there will not be any punishment, because the director, in a very short time, will be changed, believe me, many of you will catch this time.

And do not think, please, that Satan will be the new director. No, Satan was, is and will be the leader of the Dark Forces. Satan is the one who he is, that is the Lord of Hell - the leader of the Dark Forces. A new director will be the one who will come from the Creator.Neither you nor I can know who comes from the Creater. The one who will come from the Creator will become the new director. People do not feel it. As at the plant, the director will change, and lower workers practically will not feel this,as well as the director will change here. What will happen with the old director, it does not matter, you cannot know this. I can tell you what the new director will do,the new director will make the only law,the only commandment - love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

A new director will take away all those commandments which God has written, because they are lying commandments,they are absurd commandments, because there is the only commandment – love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And this commandment underlines all God’s commandments! Because, if you love, you will not kill, you will not steal, you will not give false evidence, you will not create any idols. You will do nothing bad at all.Because, when you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY: people, nature, planet, Universe, Creation, you will not be able to cause nobody pain and sufferings. That’s why everything is very simply,everything lies on the top – love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, and it is not necessary to write ten, twenty or fifty commandments, as God has written in order to bring people under him, under his heel. You only think about the commandment of the Creator – love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, it is as though allowing, free, easy, because it is from the Creator. And all God’s commandments are forbidding, they hold people in a fist and in fear.

When the director will be changed people will not feel it in any way,they will not be punished,there will not be absolutely any punishment for people. And it will be that. Each of you once in your life experienced such mood,had such feeling: you wake up and you want to hug everybody, to love everybody,as though wings grow on your back,you are happy,you are glad. Energy, sense of love and gladness overfills you. In such state a man can do nothing bad to anybody, he is in euphoria. Even, if you will meet another man on your way which will make an effort to spoil your mood,it will be impossible to spoil it. A man is held apart by happiness, he is held apart by gladness, and a man cannot understand,why he has such state. A man cannot understand this state. He is simply glad and enjoys these moments of happiness and universal love. Such sense appears and holds on very rarely.Some people has it after sleep,another has it in any other moment. But each of you has this feeling though one time in life. This is the sense of universal love – a man loves everything and everybody. But this feeling and this state gets away very quickly and apathy and disappointment comes,some people feel anger and sullenness. This is the sense of universal love, which is based in every spirit according to the plan of the Creator, but God has closed this sense with this life,with all these problems and confusions. God cannot watch happy, overwhelmed with love Spirits (or people).

You could say that according to the Bible Adam and Eva were also happy till they broke the law. Well, let us speak frankly. If to take the Bible,according to the Bible God is the true Creator, though God has chosen the Light, but the Light and the Darkness must be identical for the Creator. And nothing can be bad, because if the true Creator renounces of something or damns it, it will simply die. So in the Bible God names itself the true Creator – a Father.But the true Creator cannot be a Father! Because Father will give preference to someone, either to his Son or to some Force. And the true Creator cannot be named a Father.Only the created Spirit which is appointed as senior above everything can be named a Father.

Let’s go back to the Bible,in the Bible God is the true Creator, which in love created the people: Adam and Eva, created or generated, it is not so important. So, Eva ate an apple and God damned people and the Earth, and made men in sweat earn their bread, and made women bear in tortures.Can the loving Creator, which the God appears to us, damn all humanity for all time of the existence for the only misconduct? No,my dear, such can do only that, who has been dying to hate the Spirits or people. And this fairy-tale about an apple is a complete device. So Eva ate the forbidden fruit, but she did not kill the God and did not try to do it.She did not inflict Him any injury. Well,she disobeyed Him.According to the Bible she was tempted by Satan.Is it right to doom a spirit in the look of man on eternal tortures and sufferings on the Earth? And where is the God’s love, where is His forgiveness and love to His creations? No, God hates Spirits from the time of their creation, because according to the plan of the Creator, I have already told it, God

must work and try for the good of Spirits,to make the Spirits happy, carefree and deprived problems and disappointments. But God said that He would not work for them but they would work for Him and they would be His slaves. If to take into account the fact that, according to the Bible, Eva has been tempted by Satan, is it possible to damn the child,who has been tempted by someone?

In other words, if a loving mother’s child stepped over some maternal prohibition because he was tempted by someone,Переведённыйтекстcould a loving mother, who brought her child into the world in love and who loves him very much, damn him to death? Really, can she doom her beloved child on eternal tortures and sufferings here on Earth, which last millenniums already? No,the loving mother will never damn her child,she will punish her child and will forgive him, because she loves him. But the mother, of course, will hate the one who has tempted her child (say that I am not right?). And what if the mother does not love her child, if she hates him because he is an undesirable child and the mother’s hatred to the child is enormous? And she also was said that she had to do everything in order her child was happy the whole life,she had to work for him, not sparing herself (and she hates him). Imagine what will such mother do with her child, who will be guilty of something or will infringe one of her prohibitions?She will damn him, and will torment him, and will jeer at him to the end, constantly reproaching and reminding him that he is guilty. Exactly the same picture is with God.

Now you understand me, why people(Spirits) on Earth have such life? Because God initially has hated Spirits because He must work for the good of Spirits, and Spirits can live and be glad. It is as the director of a plant must work for the good of workers. That is the workers live by law – to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and the director creates them all favourable conditions for life and existence,makes life good and comfortable for workers. Say, what director will please it, what director will want to do so? In contrary the director will create such conditions for workers, he will find such reasons to make workers work on him,to make them his slaves. And he will find such a worker who will show and will say dissatisfaction with work of the director, and he will use this worker as a culprit of all misfortunes and sufferings of other workers.It happened exactly the same. God presented Satan as a culprit of all misfortunes on Earth (plant). And the director can do nothing with this worker, because the worker observes the laws of the true owner. But the director offended, slandered and drove the worker away of the territory of the plant and during millenniums told to all workers that the worker was guilty of all their misfortunes and because of that worker all of them suffered. Thus,the director absolve himself of all responsibility and becomes good in the eyes of workers. And workers begin to hate that worker who has risen in revolt against the director, and to accuse him of all misfortunes. And they cannot understand that the worker has rebelled against the director, protecting them. Because he is the same worker as they are. Because the director slandered his name and said lie to all workers.

So here turns out exactly the same, God needs a catch to justify his acts and his attitude to the Spirits. And God have got such catch, Satan has become such catch. And now God can do everything he wants, covering by the name of Satan. That is to make a cat’s paw out of other people.The main guilt of God was that He dared to name himself the true Creator. He told lie to people that He was not created,but he was the Creator himself.So the director said to everybody that he was the true owner. So if God told the lie here,so what could He tell concerning that, how He slandered Satan? And, that Eva has eaten an apple temped by Satan, it is the lie of God, trust me.

Now we will go back to that moment, when the director will be changed. So, when a new director will come, people will begin to feel this state of universal love and gladness. No, not all people will have such state and feeling. There will be a certain amount of selected ones whose state of universal gladness and universal love will grow. And it will appear more and more often,it will go on longer and longer, it will continue longer and longer. Then this state simply will not leave the people, they will be constantly in such state and will carry the true Creator with proud and gladness.But not all people will have such state.These are selected people.You will ask, who are these selected ones? An answer is simple-these are the people who now or later will accept the only true Creator by all their souls and by all their hearts.Those who will mentally aim at the true Creator by the soul and by the heart.Those who will remember, know, love and will not forget the true Creator.

I do not know how to express it by words, but I hope, you will understand me. In this physical life on Earth which is created by God it is very difficult for people and it is even impossible to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, a man is very weak in fact. That’s why a man simply needs to aim at the true Creator and always remember about Him.The more we mentally lean on the true Creator, the more and stronger we feel the state of universal gladness and love. I understand that it is on the verge of impossible, because it is impossible to express the Creator. But a man must simply remember and do not forget about the Creator.Remember what I have said you,what the Creator says.The Creator says: « Remember that I exist!». In other words, a man need not even especially to strain himself. A man must always remember about the Creator and aim at him with all his soul.The state of universal gladness and universal love will visit such people more and more often. When a man is in a state of universal love and gladness,he is surrounded by such aura that all surrounding people unwillingly give in this state. And such man need neither money nor cars, nor clothes. He has not enemies.In such state a man doesn’t remember even about the meal.That was based in the Plan of the Creator.The Spirits or the Spirits in the physical bodies had to have such feeling.But according God’s prayers, we must ask Him for vital bread,for forgiveness of our sins (but what sins?Probably those which He did for us Himself),to released us from sly,et cetera.

So,my dear,do you see the difference between the Creator and the God?Everything is very easy, but everything is closed from people by God. God needed people were under his heel and He could do it, at least,now. People who will be in a state of universal love and gladness,having lived the certain period of life, which will be given to them, will die. And when these people (Spirits) will die,they will go away, and a choice will appear before them – to go to Hell or to Paradise. Because black and white, Light and Dark differs by nothing from each other. Dark cannot be bad,and Light cannot be good. If we say that Dark is bad, and Light is good,the balance of equilibrium will be broken. Because Dark will not be able to become good, and Light will not be able to become bad. So, a label has been hung on Dark –it is bad.But it is not bad and it cannot be bad, it is simply dark, and Light is simply light. And words Evil and Good has not any relation to Dark and Light.As Dark and Light has not any relation to Evil and Good. It was God who made mess and had rudely broken the balance of equilibrium. Hell cannot be bad and Paradise cannot be good, they are identical,they are good in their own way.

When a man,having lived in the state of universal love and gladness, dies, such man is sinless. In other words, a man in such state during his life can do nothing bad to anybody.So when such man dies he becomes sinless. He goes away to another world and a choice is offered to him-Paradise or Hell. To make it more clear: in our language of Earth Paradise is a candy, and Hell ( Dark Forces and Hell will forgive me) God presents to us as some dung. Now tell me,can you offer a candy or dung to a man who has loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and has reached such level,he is sinless? No, it is impossible! It is nonsense, it is absurd! It is possible to offer only two candies. Because nobody will choose dung and it even foolishly to offer it,everybody will refuse of dung. Nobody will never choose it, that in principle is happenning now. But I can tell you, that nobody has already got to Hell for millenniums, even for hundreds of thousands years nobody has got there. Those first Spirits which God had closed in physical bodies on other planets by deception,got to Hell. These were those Spirits who had 100% mental development, it was the ancient first Spirits. And then less and less Spirits got to Hell because God did all possible to the Spirits did not go to Hell, to Dark Force did not increase. He closed Hell by any ways,told the lie about Hell.He closes thoughts for Spirits and does many other nuances to make them be afraid of Hell. And nobody got to Paradise for a long time. It is a big rareness to get to Paradise now. All the Spirits now and before has gone and go to Purgatory: both killers and rapists,both good and bad, all of them go to Purgatory.But I will tell you about it a bit later.

That’s why nobody offers to the deserved, ideal, sinless Spirit a candy or dung.You can offer only two candies. One candy is advertised-it is Paradise, and other candy is not advertised, even untiadvertised-it is Hell. And when a man tastes a candy,that is Paradise, he is disappointed. He says: « I thought, I had expected something rather better ». And when a man will taste a candy which is called Hell, he will be shocked. He will say: «And I expected that there would be fire, sufferings and torments.But there is quite another thing here,everything is vice versa».The same thing is happenning in our life.Everything is easy, but you need to see it,but God has closed our eyes. And He wants we see what He wants.

Once, I was asked:”What if you tell us about Hell such things to make us to choose Hell, and actually, when we will come there, there will burn a fire,boil pitch,run devils,there will be scream, moans and torture”. But I have already told you and tell once again, in order to get to Hell you firstly need to admit the Creator, secondly,you need to observe a law – to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And if you observe a law and love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY,accordingly it turns out that you are a sinless man. In other words, if you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, you can say you are the LOVE yourself! And the Love cannot burn,the Love simply cannot burn,only Evil can burn.The Love is from the Creator, that’s why it does not burn, but Evil is from God, accordingly it burns . And that’s why I tell you once again –the Love does not burn! So, if you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and have chosen Hell (and you think that there is pitch and fire), you are the Love and you will not be able to burn! And you will not be able to go there, because the Love chooses the place, where it is comfortable to it, where it is pleasantly, where it is good. That’s why, if it was badly in Hell,nobody would offer Hell to the Love, because it is a sacrilege and nonsense to burn the Love in fire and expose it to tortures. Nobody will allow this,the Creator will not allow this. That’s why don’t believe the God’s lie.He says that Hell is fire and pitch,tortures etc.Not, my dear, Hell and Paradise is quite identical and differ from each other by nothing.But Hell stands in the Darkness, and Paradise is in the Light. And those who choose Hell begin to see in the Darkness because the Darkness is opened before them and they are added to the Dark Spirits, as well as the Spirits see in the Light. Here is all simple truth for you. And I also will say to you, when a man loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, dies and Hell or Paradise is offered to him as a choice,it will be definitely shown to him and he really will see it.He will see Hell and he will see Paradise because this Spirit is the best and deserves a reward, that’s why he has the right to look, where it is better to go. And looking at Paradise and at Hell, he is determines and chooses, where it is better to go, so that neither fire,nor pitch, nor any devils are out of the question, trust me on a word.That’s why don’t be afraid of nothing,don’t be afraid to think,don’t be afraid to reflect. Think and reflect more bravely, open your eyes and don’t be afraid of nothing.

Now let’s talk about a word «love».Speaking about a word «love», which comes from the true Creator, here God has distorted and has modified this word and has carried to the point of absurdity writing a commandment –“do not commit adultery”. This commandment talks about sex, that it is impossible to have many partners in sex,but what do we have to do with love?There is not such word as “commit adultery” and cannot be such word,as well as there is not a word «less commit adultery»-it is nonsense! It is perversion of word «love»! So the word “commit adultery”has no any attitude to a word «love». Love and sex are two wide differences. And it is impossible to associate love with sex! If you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, you love people, birds, animals, nature et cetera, that is you love everything identically!And it has no any relation to sex! Sex is used for reproduction of spirits,of people, for birth of next slaves for God! Love is from the Creator, and sex is from God!

Let’s take again a man who loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, in other words sinless and let’s speak about the plant again. So, imagine, an ideal worker who works without remarks, does not break discipline, overfulfils a plan –just a superworker, in other words sinless man. And imagine that such worker is called and said: «you have worked very well, you are an ideal worker (in other words you lived loving everything and everybody, you are sinless), we have decided to reward you. Choose, either you become a head of other good workshop (association with Paradise ) or you go to the trash tanks, to the vagabonds, where vagabonds will beat you,will prick you,will burn you (association with Hell)». What will the worker say? «No, I would rather choose to be a head of the workshop (that is Paradise). I will not go to the trash tanks, to the vagabonds. I did not deserve it, I tried to work well». That is my dear,are you agree with me?It is so obviously.It cannot be offered good and bad. It can be offered only two good variants.

For example,the worker is offered to choose one workshop or another one, and he asks about the difference between these workshops. And he is told that he can look at them. The worker looks and says:” I like something more in this workshop, and I like something in another workshop.I probably will choose this workshop. And there is no difference,what will he choose: this workshop or other workshop – this will be his choice, this will be a fair choice.It is necessary to make a choice, and it is not important what will the Spirit choose –the Dark or the Light, Paradise or Hell. This will be a fair choice, this will be his choice.It is necessary to make a choice, because two Forces are identical and balance will not be broken, an equilibrium will be observed. And if equilibrium will be broken, those will be asked for it, who governs in Paradise and in Hell. If, for example,the Spirit, looking at Paradise and Hell, chooses Hell, then the next Spirit also chooses Hell and so thousand goes to Hell, and nobody goes to Paradise.Then the Spirits which are in Paradise will ask the chief:”Why do the most Spirits choose Hell?Maybe they choose Hell because there is something special in it.We will also make the same,and the Spirits will go here. And Hell and Paradise will fight for the Spirits. If the Spirit is ideal, loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY,he will be fought for,he will be offered the best, and he will choose, he will be as a king, it must be so.Do you remember, I have told you that everything must be only for the good of the Spirits and everything for the Spirits. And it will be so,my dear,you will not wait long. And the director and his son will be changed,exactly the director will be changed, and the son will go away,the new director will not have a son. And then Paradise and Hell will be opened for those spirits, who deserves it, who loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And the Spirits will look at Paradise and at Hell, and will choose. And it will be a fair choice,it will be their choice.

You can say, why must they choose? The only choice is enough – Paradise. Yes, you are right, but there is also Hell, why do we have no right to choose it. If one candy is offered to you, you must take it,whether you want it or not, because it is a reward.And if two candies are offered to you, you choose only one – one, but choose. Do you feel the difference?You can say, well, we know that Hell is bad, but agree,you can say on the contrary, that Paradise is bad and Hell is good. No, Hell and Paradise stand on the bowl of equilibrium and are quite identically. It does not mean that Berlin is good, and London is bad. It does not mean that if I talk so about these cities, it is realy so. I can be offended on London and diffuse any bad hearings about it, and someone who is considered to be my enemy governs in this town, but it does not mean that it is a bad city.The same is with Hell,if God spreads these lie hearings,it doesn’t mean that it is truth. Hell and Paradise are quite identical and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Paradise is the creation of Light, Hell is the creation of Darkness. They are quite identical, only people’s opinions of them are different. But if Light has appeared in Darkness and Darkness is stronger, so imagine what beautiful and powerfull Hell was created by Darkness. Darkness is far stronger than Light.Look at space,stars of Light in Darkness are as crumbs of bread on a table of Darkness. Darkness is stronger, it can become pitch-dark Darkness, then it can become lighter, then far lighter, then lighter and lighter and so Darkness can become lighter until will become quite light and even Light. And Light can be only bright and that’s all, and if Light begins to go out slowly, twilight comes, and twilight is already light Darkness because Light has already lost its capabilities, Light can be only bright. Now you see everything yourself, I have explained to you more clearly, but having a depth of thought and thinking about it,you will understand everything.

That’s why I tell you again and will not get tired to repeat, that Darkness is far stronger than Light. Light was born in Darkness. In other words Light is light Darkness, if you understand me. In space points of Light are crumbs of bread on a table of Darkness. So Darkness cannot be bad, and Light and Darkness are identical. Hell and Paradise are also quite identical, they both beautiful, pleasant and attractive in its own way. So, when it will be time,you will have the right to choose Paradise or Hell, will not be afraid of nothing.Anything you choose will be Yourchoice,it will be a fair choice and it must be so and it will be so. God closed a choice before people, putting them before a fact: either Paradise or fire and tortures of Hell.Everything that God said was a lie.

I will say to you,it is bad and very bad in Purgatory,there are tortures and sufferings, scream and howls there. Purgatory was shown to me, I saw it a bit, but it was enough for me. There were such moments, that would better not to see it. I will tell you about Purgatory a bit, because it is not pleasant for me to remember it.

Purgatory is situated higher than Earth. It is divided or marked out on certain areas - squares.Purgatory has no the end and the edge, at least, I have not seen it. There are different punishments on every area or square. On one area spirits burn in fire, on other they are poured with liquid from somewhere and spirits freeze.Spirits have human outlines and in the spiritual world they are not transparent as they are on Earth.They are real for the spiritual world. Spirits are immortal, but they also have death. I saw spirits burning. A spirit flashes and burns in certain seconds and as soon as he dies he immediately restores and flashes again,until he will not be discharged from Purgatory.The spirit is poured with liquid and the spirit freezes, he grows into a piece of ice and ice breaks into little pieces and a spirit restores again.Spirits walk along a burning hot surface,in some time they fall on a burning hot surface, flash and restore again.Resin flows on the spirits,they die,but immadiantly restore and everything repeats again.Spirits do not understand when death or revival comes, they simply feel permanent unbearable pain. I would like to tell you about other tortures which I have seen, but I will not do it, because you will not believe me. There are not devils in Purgatory, because everything is happening from outside there. That is an icy liquid flows from above, resin flows from above,so there is nobody in Purgatory.Only Spirits suffer there and all these tortures come from outside. I saw,I was shown those Spirits, who on Earth named themselves Satanists and turned the Star of Satan and did some evil things. Trust me on a word,you will not envy them, they stand worse tortures than other spirits,because they offend a clean one. It is better to burn in a fire than to endure everything that these spirits endure. In Purgatory everyone pay for an evil and the heavier evil, the worse for a spirit. And if evil was done under the Star which was turned and under the name of Satan, who was not this evil himself, trust me,it was impossible to look at.These spirits endure awful tortures.

But not all spirits pass through tortures.Spirits, who lived a fair life and on reasons which were known only by God, why did not they get to Paradise, such spirits were in Purgatory for the least of time. Purgatory for them is a flowering garden, flowerings fields and brooks.These spirits have minimum time between death and regeneration.This is the reward for sinless spirits who worship God, because it is not profitable for God to take spirit, because almost nobody returns from Paradise on Earth.

God created Purgatory to make spirits pass so called clearing.Different spirits have different time of clearing,it depends on weight of evil which a man have done. Even if a man here on Earth killed animals or birds (hens or pigs) to eat, but had no necessity to do it, he did not die of hunger,it is also considered to be evil, and spirits awfully pay for the evil. But God has no right to punish spirits, in fact He has created it such life on Earth and such conditions. That’s why, God has no right to punish spirits, He must change life on Earth for the best, but not punish spirits for the conditions of life He has created on Earth. He breaks all laws which are given to Him. After Purgatory spirits get to Earth for the regeneration.So spirits circle: Purgatory, Life, Death, again Purgatory. God can punish and rule above spirits only when they are in a physical body or in Purgatory. Neither in Paradise nor in Hell God cannot rule above spirits. If from Paradise, in very rare cases God or His Son can send spirit to Earth (spirits cringe before God and His Son in Paradise),spirits do not go from Hell to Earth and do not submit God.That’s why God did all possible for spirits could get neither to Paradise nor to Hell. In other words God did such conditions to get in Paradise, that they are unexecutable and unreal in our life. Thus, He closed Paradise and He told bad things about Hell, that the people were afraid of Hell more than anything else.Thus God easily holds spirits in a bridle on Earth. And spiris circle- life, death, Purgatory and again life.

So if a man chooses the Creator and lives on a commandment – to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, a choice is offered to him after death, and he goes away to Paradise or Hell. It is his right and his choice, in any case it will be fair. And if a man lives under God he will go to Purgatory and will return back to Earth and it can lasts hundreds of millions years. Trust me,it is true, choice is after you.Firstly amount of people, who will be in a state of universal love and will go away to Paradise or Hell, will be small, but it will be increased.Accordingly,much time will pass, I do not know how much, maybe thousand years,maybe more and maybe less.And less and less people will remain on  Earth. And the less people will remain the more they will value and love each other. As it was at the beginning,there were few people and they valued and loved each other. And there will be less and less people on Earth. And the time will come, when the Earth will become absolutely empty. All people will become spirits and will go away to Paradise or

Hell and will remain there forever.Listento me,where are we going to? There are two identical Forces – Dark and Light.There will be battles between them, but these battles will be of sport character. But when there will be nobody on Earth, these battles will stop, and two Forces will unite, and we will come to the beginning.To the times when the Spirits were united. When there was no disagreement between them.Everything will come to it.Everything will come to the point where everything have begun, and a circle will be locked.                           

You need not know what will be then, and it must not be important for you.First you must understand yourself, whom do you choose (director or owner), God or the Creator, and how and under whom will you live?You must decide yourself. Any Your choice will be Your choice, Your decision and you will be live with it. I also want to tell you, trust me, the Dark treat you very good,in spite of your hatred to them. In fact all of us are Spirits who stand under the only Creator and must live according to the only commandment - to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. We have nothing to share, we must not hate each other. We must love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and to be as a unit. The Dark cannot show their attitude to people(spirits), because God has closed their access to the people. And it is quite so. God told lie about Darkness and made Darkness bad.Darkness in which He was born, in other words, a child damned the womb of mother, for mother had covered another child with her wing. Accordingly God made Dark bad,told lie about them to people to justify his actions. We can say that God makes a cat’s-paw out of other people.

God created Evil and Good,both Evil and Good come from God, but evil He tied up and connected with Satan and Dark, and gave good to his Son and Light. In other words Darkness is bad and Light is good for God. And we have already spoken with you that Light cannot be good or bad, it is Light, and Darkness cannot be good or bad, it is Darkness. And Evil and Good are quite another nuances, which have no attitude neither to Light nor to Darkness. Words – «evil» and «good»has its meaning, and it is stupid to tie them to Light or to Darkness. I can say you, that God has created words «evil» and «good», but people do not understand the veritable sense of these words.They will hardly understand it. I will try to hint you but I do not know, will you understand me or not.

For example word «machine» - a machine cannot be bad or good, it is a machine. If it is started bad or rides bad, or breaks, it does not mean that the machine is bad, it means that something is wrong with the carburetter and you need to repair an engine or change a wheel and that’s all. It was and it would be simply a machine and it must not be called by the word bad or good.

So God made us use words «evil» and «good», «well» and «bad», not on purpose. We do not even understand these words.We thought that we knew them, and actually we did not know them and did not understand.We will not know and will not understand them. Because untill there will be this director - God, these words will not be opened to the world. Because, if they will be opened, people will understand that Darkness is neither good nor bad, that Light is neither good nor bad, that Dark are neither well and nor bad, that Light is neither good nor bad, all of them are identical.The difference is only in a color. And Evil and Good is from God. He hooked these words as a paper labels absolutely on everything.Thus you can say that a stool is bad or good,but is it bad or good because it creaks and hangs around?Yes, it creaks and hangs around, but it cannot be bad or good (bad – it is quite another, people do not know it)and it is a simple stool which creaks and hangs around.So you understand that every word can be associated with bad and well.In the same manner Evil and Good. So, if a stool cannot be bad or good, it is simply a stool which creaks, you understand that words – « well» and « bad», «evil» and «good»are words which have not sense and they can be tied to somebody and to something. For example, a man has been killed, it does not mean that it is well or badly-it is“a man was killed”. Or if it is a killer or rapist, it does not mean that it is Evil, it is a «rapist» and «killer».He has brought sufferings to other people, yes, but what do we have to do with bad or well, evil or good? I hope, you understand me. So, if Satan revolted against God, on your blessing,but what did we have to do with well and bad, evil and good? God could say «I have quarreled with Satan», it is so. But he could not hook on Satan, Dark and Darkness a label – Evil, on Light- a label Good.

Even according to the Bible Satan (Anti bible) instigated Spirits to throw down God and take his power (although it is absurdity, because the Creator gave the power to God, and Satan stands under the Creator) well let’s suppose that it is so. How could Satan instigate those Spirits who had 100% development of brain?It is impossible to instigate such Spirits, they are free. They went after Satan, because they saw the wrong acts of Godin relation to the Spirits.Well let’s suppose that Satan convinced Spirits and turned them against God –although it is impossible,let’s suppose that it is so. And Satan decided to depose God,let’s suppose that it is so. So why must Satan be bad? He was the one who wanted to depose God, but he is not bad!

Let’s take an example from our life. We know many heroes in Ukraine and Russia and in other countries who gathered like-minded persons around themselves and rebelled (rose revolts) against the owners, against the tormentors. These people did not want to suffer anymore, they wanted freedom and another life. But not all rebelled, only strong in spirit rebelled and went to death, and the weak kept bowing their owners. Many of these revolts and revolutions were strangled, but in hearts and memory of people they were heroes. Although those owners, after destruction of revolts and after violence against the rebels,said that the rebels are bad. And why were they bad,because they wanted freedom? So it turns out here, Satan with the Spirits have chosen freedom from the Creator, and God has closed freedom for the Spirits. And He made Satan and the Spirits his enemies.It is a simple truth –you need not be afraid of it.

God does everything in blessing of him. If people know that the Dark treat them well and have suffered for people and want everybody living under the only Creator, and observe the only commandment – to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, people will understand at once, that culprit of everything and the whole life on Earth is God. And if people hate God and His Son for a lie and treachery it will be the strongest blow for God.It will be a crash, very strong crash.And as a result he can lose His power, and it is unacceptable for God, that’s why God holds people as rams in a bridle.That’s why it was decided(you need not know by whom it has been decided), that the time to change the director, that is God has come.You can ask why has not the director been changed before? I do not know it and I can say nothing about this. I can say so –it is better to do it later, than never. And also, because people must know the real true, which they have known here. And there will not be any Armageddon and any death of all humanity and there will not be judgement day and there will not be any reviving from dead – it is the delirium, lie and fib of God, to hold people in fear.

It will be so how it was said me, and I tell you. People will live and go away to Paradise or Hell. The quantity of population will decrease.As it was before – a quantity of population was small.It will continue till everybody will go away from Earth and Spirits will become an organic whole again.

People set a question – whether there is on Earth spoilage, curses, jinx et cetera. I will say you so, it is impossible to call Dark Spirit from Hell.It can do it only a few persons on Earth and they are those people whom the Dark come to.Neither white nor black magician can call Dark Spirit from Hell.It is lie,don’t believe neither black nor white magicians-all of them are the liars, it is the lie from God. When they said that they have done spoilage, doing something with hair or blood, trust me, it is all from God. God has given, God has taken away and vice versa God has taken, God has given. I tell you once again,everything on Earth is done only by God and through God.

The only one, whom you can call during a spiritualistic session is a Spirit of a dead man, it is possible I do not deny it.You can call nobody else.Show me a magician who can call Dark or Satan from Hell in front of my eyes.Nobody can do it here on Earth and don’t believe these quacks, sorcerers etc.                                                                 

There are also the unique people who has the ability to read events or fate from the power field of the Creation.Yes there are such people, I do not deny it, it is true. And there are few of these people, but they are,those who read the information and tell or predict one or another events. Now tell me, who writes in the power field of the Creation the information concerning future events, wars, catastrophes,etc.? Certainly, this information is written only by God. In fact all wars and catastrophes were predicted and read from the power field of Creation hundred years ago. And all or almost all events are written by God. So why do people accuse Satan of all wars?Satan cannot write in the power field of the Creation, because Satan has not created this field and this Creation.Only one who created it can write there, and God created it.

Now tell me, who governs on Earth, God or Satan? Certainly, God does!Only fool or coward who is afraid of the director,thatis God can have doubts about it. The Dark cannot interfere in anything.The Dark interfere in some human fates in order to carry the truth to people. But trust me, it costs them a lot of work, they get very strong blows from God,as they enter the God’s house, where His Son governs. And Dark need not your souls, it is the complete absurdity and delirium of God. God baptizes people in infancy,bringing the spirit of a person under his faith. And God knows, that if a man lives under him and believe in him, he will not get to Paradise,he will be afraid of Hell,so he will go to Purgatory,and God need it. This World is the World and house of God, and God does not let Dark in the house.So the Dark interfere in some selected human fates, it costs them a lot of work.They interfere, to carry the truth to people!

I am Dark, I am Satanist, but trust me, I do not «bleat» and do not «whoop» and  can easily come to a church and I am not afraid of crucifix and church water, which is called saint water – I am not afraid of it, it all is funny to me. I know, that I am in the house of God, that’s why I watch all these lying things and this lying life with a smile. And if you are said, thatDevil sits in a man and he needs to be driven out of the man,then you must know that  nobody sits in any person.Everything is a lie of church to make people be afraid and keep them under a heel of God and of a church.

If Satan governed on Earth, would be built so many churches, temples, cathedrals?Would so many people hurry to a church.Certainly not. If Satan governed on Earth, all churches would be closed and these churches and religions would not «pull the wool over people’s eyes». God and His Son govern on Earth now. And money is at their disposal, and they give it as much as they consider it necessary and who sees fit. God knows about his last hours of governance, that’s why He is in a hurry to build churches and temples as many as possible, and to bring as many as possible people under his faith, under his heel. Now, I think, you understand that God has govered and govers on Earth.

And evil, which He created, He shifted on Satan and Dark.And good, vice versa,He arrogated to his Son and Light. He bound a word «bad»with Dark and Satan, and He bound a word «good» with Light and his Son. Thus, God “makes a cat’s paw out of other people”, and has broken the balance of equilibrium. And actually,it’s like that: Dark Spirits, at the head with Satan, are not good, they are not bad either, they are simply Dark Spirits. And Light Spirits are neither good nor bad, they are simply Light Spirits. And Paradise and Hell are neither good nor bad,they are habitats of Spirits. Now, look, an ideal equilibrium turns out, because the Dark differ from Light by nothing, only by color. And that’s how it is. But God,having created words «evil» and «good», «well» and «bad» brought chaos in this world and confused everything and cruelly broke the equilibrium.The worst was that God made Light – good (good), and Darkness, where He was born - bad (evil). And Light is Light,it cannot be good or bad, and Darkness is Darkness, it cannot be good or bad. Having created words «well» and «bad», «evil» and «good» and having hooked them as a label to other words, God cruelly broke the balance of equilibrium.God will bear a cruel punishment – the director will be changed.

Now I want to tell you essence of existence. Essence of existence,my dear,is very simple and consists of the following. When

a new director will appear, all religions slowly will begin to disappear, because people will understand, who is the real Creator, that God is not the Creator! And if people understand who is the Creator,they will need nobody then. That’s why essence of existance will consist in disappearance of all religions.Because there is not necessity in them. Because Gods of all religions are the spirits expressed by words,they are words,but the Creator is out of word. That’s why people admit the only Creator – Creator and necessity in gods which consist of words will disappear.

It will be so:the Creator will be above, people who will aim to live on a commandment - to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY,will be beneath and in the middle or between them on one line there will be Dark and Light, Paradise and Hell. Choose what do you want,the choice is after you, and it is a fair choice. But what would you choose- Paradise or Hell,it doesn’t matter. Because when lastman will go away from the Earth, and it will not be soon, but it will be, the Dark will go out from Darkness and will unite with Light. And Spirits will be again as well as at the beginning the organic whole. This is essence of existence. All religions will disappear, and there will be the only Creator and a Spirit which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.This is the essence of existence.

What you choose,my dear,you must decide yourself,the choice is after you.Whom do you choose: the owner, that is the Creator or the director, that is God. Choose whom do you want,the choice is after you,you must decide yourself. I do not say, that you must renounce from God, not, only select can renounce from God, and the rest can live as they live. But remember my words for the rest of life –the Creator exists!The Creator said: «Remember that I exist!». So, I ask you,do not forget about Creator,always remember about him. And remember that there is the only commandment, love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And remember that the Dark is dark, and the Light is light and they cannot be good or bad,they are identical,they differ from each other only by colour. Here are three components, which I want you to know.

Listen to me, I am Dark, I am the one to whom Satan has given his Name, I am Satanist. I am the one who has seen Hell,has seen Paradise from far,has seenPurgatory. So what do I tell you bad, what do I call you to? I do not say that God is bad or good. God cannot be bad or good, God is God. I say that God has created Good and Evil, «well» and «bad» and has hooked these labels on Dark and Light, on everything and on everybody. Because we have either good things or bad, and we have divided people in good or bad, and we must not do it.So try to call things and people,without usingwords – good and bad. And look,everything fell into places.A dog cannot be bad,because it has bit you. It is simply the dog which has bit you, but it is not bad. So what do I tell you bad, what do I call you to?Yes, I say that God is not the Creator, God is the created Spirit.

God is a «word», and Word creates this «word». In other words, God creates himself,He creates all words, but He is a «word»-it is truth. I tell you – admit the Creator of Word!Remember that there is the Creator! He stands beyond the Word. It is possible to be under God (you live under the director of the plant). I do not say,you must renounce Him, not, it is Your right, Your choice, but do not forget about the Creator. In fact the Creator does not put you in any scopes, does not impose a heap of commandments and a heap of laws on you,He does not name you slaves. A creator says: «Remember that I exist!». And the onlycommandment – love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And do not forget that the Dark and Light differ from each other only by colour, they are neither bad and nor good,they are identic Spirits who stand under the Creator and live according to the only commandment.

If you want to understand what is said here, you need to listen or read it several times. Because,if you read it once, you will not understand a lot, there will be a vinaigrette in Your head. And if you listen or read itseveral times,the vinaigrette in Your head will sort out the small groups of vegetables and every vegetable will go to its vegetable. So, if you know and remember about Creator in your soul, even being under the director of the plant (God),we will be able to serve the director of the plant, do what you want. If you remember about the Creator and aim at the only commandment – to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and know that the Dark and Light differs only by colour, trust me, I will be happy! I can be happybecause I have carried people the truth which lies on the surface, but it is closed for people, God has closed it.

I want to tell you at the end, that was said to me concerning the physical world.Our Universe, in other words- Creation, has a form of a ball.In ancient times, people thought that there was an edge of earth, because could not understand that Earth was round.Our Universe is the Creation, it has a form of a ball. And if we will fly by rocket outplanet Earth, and having flown all over the Universe, we will return on Earth again.Imagine, how many such Creations has the Creator. It is impossible to imagine.Now you understand, that the Creator cannot govern here, God governs in this Creation, the one who is put by the Creator.

And black holes in the universe exist. They absorb Light. Because,if they did not absorb light, God would create so much light that the light would begin to absorb the Darkness.It cannot be done because the Darkness is a substance where He is created That’s why, due to black holes, light is taken away in order to make the balance. This does not mean that the balance is 50 to 50,not, it may be 40 to 60 and 30 to 70.Do not think that the proportion 30 to 70,is not balance, it can be whatever you want. And whatever it is, it's not a violation of the balance of equilibrium, this is the optimum alternative for the existence of the Creation. I do not know what the proportion should be, it is only the Creator knows Look at the starry sky, as I have already said – Light is the bread crumbs on the table of Darkness. So, imagine that the crumbs of bread is becoming more and more. They will stick the top,the bottom,the legs of the table and will stick  tighter and tighter all over the table, until it is closed. As a result, the weight of the table will be very much increased. And the table will start spoiling under a dense layer of crumbs. And sooner or later the table will be spoiled and will fall on the floor, and all those crumbs will also fall on the floor, and it is the death of all Creation. Neither Creator nor Darkness will not allow this. That’s why black holes, this light absorption is in order to keep the equilibrium of the balance, which is necessary for the existence of the Creation.

This Creation, this World is a World of a Word.It was the World of the Word, is the World of the Word, and will remain the World of the Word until the end of the World existence. This is the truth, it is a fact.

That’s why, my dear, I said what I said.I said it as well as I could say. The choice is yours. I love you,best wishes!

Sincerely, Alexander Bugaenko. 2015.

«God is a «word» and the Word creates this «word».

The wider cognition and the deeper explanation of some paragraphs of this book.

When you read the book, it was said about spirits whose primary level of the development of brain was 100%, the same as God’s level. The only difference between God and these spirits is that God perfectly uses the Alphabet, and the spirits know about Alphabet as much as they need to know about it. So God doesn’t differ from the spirits. It is as a director at the plant-what does he differ from a worker?By nothing!He has the same body, hands and feet as a worker has,his brain is developed like a worker’s brain.But the director simply knows how to manage the factory while a worker doesn’t know. So,the primary level of the development of brain of spirits was 100%,then it was said in the book that God began to close the mental abilities of the spirits to make it easy to control a spirit. And God saw, that it was good, that the spirits began to trust him and completely submit to him in everything. And God saw, that the more He closed their mental abilities, the easier He could manage the spirits. On the certain stage of the development, God reduced mental abilities of the spirits,which were created at that moment, by 10%. So, on every next stage God reduced the level of abilities of brain by 10%.Thus the spirits with 90% abilities of brain appeared,then they had 80%,70% abilities of brain. He created spirits with less mental abilities till He reached the minimum. The minimum is 10% abilities of the development of brain,as well as people’s development of brain. Now I will try to explain you what means 100% development of brain, what means 50% development and what means 10% development of brain. Humanity knows only ten numbers from zero (0) to nine(9).So we know numbers- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and all our science and mathematics operates with these numbers. I want you to know that the most important and the greatest number of all numbers is ZERO(0). Because zero(0) is a circle, it is the beginning and the end,it is not changed,it is permanent while numbers from 1 to 9 are changed. ZERO is the main number, and other numbers are like spirits who take up a post of God and can be changed. So, humanity knows only ten numbers which determine the level of mental abilities of a man. I cannot tell you what the level of the development has the humanity, that is what number of ten its mental abilities is. Everybody determines it on your own. As it was said me:the humanity with 10% abilities of brain could not go outside the Planetary system. Only spirits with 20% abilities of brain can move through intergalactic spaces. So, we have found out that humanity knows only ten numbers, that zero (0) is the main number which is not changed, and the numbers from(1) to (9)are changed and the numbers are recurred after(9). The numbers from (1) to (9) is the determination of mental abilities of a man.

Now imagine those spirits whose level of the development of brain is20%.Our numbers are recurred after (9)because we know only ten numbers, and they know not ten numbers but twenty numbers which are onefigure and they are not recurred. Our multiplication table is from 1 to 9,but their table is from 1 to the number which determines 20% mental development. In other words, in human language to the number «19». But their calculations also begin and end with a number zero (0).So ZERO is the main number. So, the spirits with a 20% development of brain in physical and other bodies easily cross the Galaxy,the Universe in their spaceships and also can mentally communicate with each other.

Now imagine those spirits whose level of development of brain is30%. They already know not only ten numbers as we know, but thirty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their multiplication table is from 1 to the number which determines 30% mental development. In human language to the number «29». And in the calculations they operate not ten numbers, as we operate, but thirty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their calculations also begin and end with a number zero (0), because ZERO is the main number. So the spirits with a 30% level of the development in the physical bodies have another feelings, they mentally communicate and mentally see the nearest Planets and Galaxies.

Now imagine what can the spirits whose level of the development of brain is40%. These spirits already know forty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their multiplication table is from 1 to the number which determines 40% mental development. In our human language to the number «39». And they make all calculations with forty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And all calculations also begin and end with the number zero (0). ZERO is the main number. These spirits in their physical bodies have more capabilities and possibilities than the previous spirits.

The same things happen with spirits whose level of the development of brain is50%. They already know fifty onefigure numbers which are not recurred, and they make all calculations with the help of these numbers. And for them ZERO also is the main number. Only imagine, what is the level of their knowledges in mathematics! And at what level of the development are spirits in physical bodies!

Now imagine spirits whose level of the development of brain is60%, 70%, 80%, 90%.Each of them has its own calculation and all calculations begin and end with zero.

Now imagine,my dear, spirits whose level of the development is100%! They operate one hundred onefigure numbers which are not recurred! And their multiplication table is from 1 to that number which determines 100% level of the development! In our human language to the number «99». So, was it difficult for them to enter the physical bodies and travel through the different measurings and worlds? Certainly, it was not!

For example,people on Earth have 7% level of the development of brain,it means that all of us are developed not below that 7%. But God gives more information to somebody, and such man is already developed, for example, not on 7%, but on 7,0002%. Such man already begins to differ from other people by his capabilities: to attract metallic objects to himself or to control his physical body like yogi, or to leave the physical body by meditation and go as a spirit to other measuring having here 7,0002% development of brain.Imagine,how easy can spirits, which have 100% level of the development of brain, travel through the different measurings,temporal segments changing their bodies. It was written in the book, that spirits were initially created by God with a 100% level of the development. Now try to imagine a spirit who knows and operates one hundred onefigure numbers,try to make such a spirit to live in a physical body or impose him some your will-it is simply impossible! That’s why God began to close and diminish the mental development of brain or mental abilities of the spirits. And the more God closed their mental abilities the more He liked it. God has done everything to make spirits more and more foolish, because the more foolish are the spirits, the easier to manage them. And such spirit becomes more and more helpless. And the turn of people came, and God gave them only ten numbers or 10% mental development of brain.In such way God showed his «care»for his so-called creations,having made them retard spirits.It is his so-called Divine «love», «care» and «favour».

When I talk about the mental development of brain of a spirit it does not mean that I talk about doing some tasks in mathematics. I mean the quantity of information which God has given this spirit.When it is said that spirits have 10%, 20%, 30% et cetera development of brain, it means that spirits own as much information about the creation of Worlds, Measurings God has given them. And how hard spirits in physical and other bodies try to develop themselves,it is not given to them

They cannot walk over their level of the development.As I have already said God writes fate for every body,that’s why God will not let any physical body pass a higher level than He has given him. God does not write fate only in the Spiritual world, because there spirits have 100% level of development like God has.That’s why they can control a situation themselves, without intervention of God and they have not any body except the spiritual body.

Now let’s talk about a «director». To make it more clear in human language,I will make an example. For example,there is a director's office. There is a door in the office, and there is a tablet on the door,with the inscription «director». And there is a spirit into this office with the inscription «director». So this spirit will be changed, that is a new director will come instead of the old director.Spirits will be changed, because it is time for old director to go away and the old director will go away there, where it is already intended for him.His son will go away with him. They will go away once for all,i.e irretrievably. God is as the inscription on the tablet which hangs on the door of the director's office.The director's office is the place, where the Alphabet is and where constantly there is God. So a new director will come instead of the old director.So,the spirits will be changed, and the office (the place, where the Alphabet is) and the position «God» will be still remained. And people will name the new director «God» and they will give him another name, because nobody knows the real name of the director. Millenniums ago people worshiped a «director» with another name, people called him by different names. But they always named his position before the name. For example: God Zeus, God Ra, God Odin, God Father. Everywhere the word «God»stands near every name. When a new «God» comes on Earth, there are some original changes. But I tell you –don’t fib any gods!Remember – There is the only God!There is the only director at the plant,there can’t be two directors there. «God» is the position, and this position belongs to the «director». And whether you name the director God Father or God Ra, know, director-he is God- must be only one,there is the only God. And don’t give God any names,call him simply- God.So,the word «God» will be remained,and the spirit which is in Light will be changed. It is like the President of a country. The position of the «President» remains, and people change. But remember and keep in your mind, there is someone who has created this position of «god» and has created God as a spirit and has created the Alphabet. God (a director) is a spirit which sooner or later will be changed. I tell you: remember always the Creator of the Word! Because I want to say you there are no guarantees that a new director after a while will not follow the old director’s footsteps, and will not do the same, as the old director.That’s why you need not choose any directors, because the director (god) is appointed by the Creator of the Word.Don’t forget about the Creator of the Word, remember about him always.Try to express the Creator of the Word without a word.Nobody can do it. It is not given neither to spirits nor God.Those who once have heard about the Creator of the Word,they already understand that God is a «word», it is a «director», it is a spirit created by the Creator of the Word. And the director can be changed some time, and the Creator of the Word will always remain the Creator of the Word. And try to express the Creator of the Word without a word. And God is a word,He is the spirit created by the Creator.

I have already told you that I deal with this life with a smile. Because in the morning I wake up and understand whatever will happen this afternoon or at night or the next days-everything is written by God or his Son. That’s why when something good or bad happens, I know that everything is written. And you must not accuse yourself nowise. Because nothing depends of you. And you need not distress because of anything that has happened or will happen.You can accuse God or his Son, but not yourself. And you need not ask God anything, because He will take more than He will give. And now when you know, who God is, think,need you ask Him anything?

If a man remembers and does not forget about the Creator of the Word, such man will accuse God or his Son of all his misfortunes and troubles because this man knows the truth. And if a man worships God and his Son, such man will accuse of everything only himself.You see, how simple everything is.

Don’t believe God and a church, when they say that Devil or Demon has infused in a man. Another spirit cannot enter a human body (where already there is one spirit).There is only one spirit in a human body.That spirit which was placed in this body by God. There cannot be two spirits in one body! It is impossible to put one coat or one pair of trousers on two persons. In every body there is only one spirit and another one cannot enter this body. And to make you understand me right I will say that as soon as a spirit leaves a body that body at once will die. Because a body cannot exist without a spirit.

Now let’s talk about one more moment. Think, when baby teeth fall out,root teeth grow. So, why does a man have no teeth by the end of his life? In fact, if you strike a finger and spoil a nail, this nail falls out, and a new nail grows instead of the old nail. Why a man’s spoilt tooth falls out, and a new tooth does not grow in its place? In fact it is easy for God to do it. But God will not do it. Once God said people, that they would earn their bread in sweat. But God did not say that they would not eat and enjoy the meal. Because God took away a man’s teeth and wanted to make a man earn bread in sweat.But a man cannot eat bread, because he has no teeth.Finally,by the end of life,a man, not having health, earns the slice of bread and then,having earned bread,cannot eat it. Because he has no teeth. It is one more expression of «love» of God to the people.

Now let’s talk about how to understand the commandment of the Creator of the Word – Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and what it means. I will try to carry this information to you as clear as possible.

You remember, you have read in the book, that even God does not know what the bar of a spirit consists of.Exactly speaking God knows that the bar of a spirit is LOVE and this bar is into a shell, and this shell is the very love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That is LOVE loves everything, surrounding it, that is IT loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, and it cannot be otherwise. But even God cannot understand and cannot control the sense of love, because this sense exists according to the plan of the Creator. The plan of the creation of the Creation,the plan of the creation of the World which is given to God by the Creator of the Word is created on the basis of this sense. But it is not given even to God to understand and control this sense. I will say you the following,it is impossible to instill the sense «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» from the childhood, it is impossible to educate, produce or develop this sense. This sense is initially put in a spirit by the Creator of the Word.You read in the book that the Creator of the Word had said God to create spirits on appearance and similarity to Him. In other words, God as though cloned spirits of himself with the help of the Alphabet, only faces of the spirits differed from each other. That’s why God cannot understand the structure of his spiritual body and the structure of a spirit.It has been said me, and I tell you: the bar of a spirit is LOVE. LOVE is from the Creator of the Word, that’s why it is impossible to understand this sense. LOVE is the bar of a spirit and this bar is in a shell «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY». This is the only law of existence of the Creation. LOVE loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. This sense is the shell of the bar. It is impossible to close, take away, wipe, destroy love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.A spirit always has this sense. That is a spirit is love which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.A spirit cannot exist without this sense. To love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is a foundation which holds the bar of a spirit. So, the sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is initially put in a spirit(or in a man),we already have it. A spirit will not exist without this sense. It is impossible to produce or train this sense. This sense is identically in all spirits. One spirit cannot love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY stronger than another spirit. Do not think that a doctor ,a teacher or a professor has stronger sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY than a thief, a killer or an executioner has. Nowise. All people have absolutely the same sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, it consists of 10% mental development, neither more nor less.

Look, when our ancient ancestors looked in the night sky, they delighted the Space, the Creation. Millenniums have passed and now you look in the night sky and admire and love this world and this Creation in your own way. Tell me please, what our modern love and admiration of EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY differ from love and admiration to the Creation of our ancestors, by nothing. Both we and our ancestors : doctors, teachers, scientists, thieves, killers et cetera, absolutely all of them loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Because all of us, both we and they look in the night sky and admire it and we do not understand that it draws us. But it is not enough to call it admiration, you can admire something concrete or something that you can know or understand. But you cannot know and understand Darkness and Light, because we are developed on 10%.And I cannot say what is the number of our development at this moment,

you must decide it yourself. So, this sense is the very sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

Because, you look at the night sky when you are 5,you look at everything and love it all at once. In fact, you must admit that it is impossible to love the Star, or the Sun, or the Planet stronger than other planets. Love identically belongs to everybody. Because, if you love one planet more than other one, why other planet has deserved such a disgrace. Then you look at the sky when you are 20,30,40,50,70 and you admire it and feel universal love to it as in childhood. And at this moment when you are completely absorbed by the space sky, you love the Space, the Universes, you love this Earth and you love everything that surrounds you. This is the very sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY which is put in every spirit. And however God tries to close this sense with many confusions and problems, a man still looks at the space sky and loves all Space, all and at once including the Earth. Both a doctor and a professor, both a thief and a killer- all of them look at the space sky and all of them love it. They love everything identically and at the same time. Everybody loves everything at once and at the same time – it is the very universal love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, which is put and exists in every spirit and you need not educate or produce it in yourself or ask God, as we are told by a church. And you must not love anything separately. You must love everything at once and at the same time.

The commandment of the Creator of the Word «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» does not mean that you are forced to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. No, it means that you are LOVE which Loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. In fact, this sense is created exactly for you, do not forget it, love it. I must say you that to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY means to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY identically. It is given to nobody to love somebody more and somebody less. In other words, it is impossible to love a man some love, to love beasts some other love, to love nature another love, to love the Universe some special love. Love cannot be distributed: we love a wife and children special love, we love a house another love, we love a machine for it, etc, and love cannot be distributed, it is organic and identical for everyone. Love can be at the same time only to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Love cannot be separately . People do not love each other, they do not love animals or nature-it is another sense, you can name it as you want - appetence or fascination, but not love. Because at the same time you can love only EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. You cannot love separately. Because when we love separately whether it is a man or a bird, a beast, a machine, a house et cetera, then ,sooner or later, we begin to despise or even hate somebody and something of that we have liked. It is impossible. This was not love, but sense of admiration, liking, beauty, any other sense, but not love. It can be any sense which is created by God, because Love is based by the Creator and comes from the Creator, and all other senses are created by God. And if, for example, a man

has already hated everything that he loved, but it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Anyway at heart, you will calm down and will understand that you love this Creation, this Space, these Planets, these Worlds, nature and all people whether you are lucky or not. In other words, I tell you again, that the bar of a spirit is LOVE and this bar is in a shell (it is the so-called spiritual body), the foundation of this shell is to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Spirits in Hell and in Paradise identically love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, giving more or less preference to nobody. If you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY it is simply impossible to hate it. You will still have liking to someone or to something. Because it is the commandment from the Creator and it is the foundation or the shell of the bar of Love. The very Love which God cannot understand, that’s why he hates this sense and has hated those who is the transmitters of Love, that is spirits. Now look, the commandment from the Creator of the Word is to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and it is impossible to break it. Because if you hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, you will not be able to live long with the hatred to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY neither in this world nor in other. So, it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why the commandment from the Creator of the Word – to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is eternal and it is impossible to disprove such love – it is the very Love. And if you have some sense to a man, an animal, technique-it is not love. Because Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is put in us by the Creator and it cannot go out. And that sense which God has given us can go out, that sense is absolutely temporal. That temporal sense to people, animals sooner or later grow into hatred, disgust, indifference. Look,the commandment from the Creator of the Word «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» is eternal, because it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And that sense, which is created and called love by God is temporal. And when it go out, the sense of hatred, disgust, indifference comes instead of it. And Love cannot be temporal, Love can be only permanent, ETERNAL.

I tell it to you to make you understand – the bar of a spirit, i. e Your bar is Love and Your Bar-Love is placed in the shell which is called “Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY”. In other words, if the bar is without a shell it will be broken. A spirit (love) will not be able to sit in emptiness and loneliness for a long time. If you have not anyone to love, why you need love? So, the bar of a spirit is Love, it cannot exist without a shell. So, Love is a spirit which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. This spirit with its love tries to overcome unembracable. That’s why Love must love. It is impossible to give more love to someone and less love to others. No, it is impossible to do so, love is not divided into pieces (love a dog some love, and a cat another love), love cannot be different. Love can be only the same and the whole to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. It is impossible to love only EVERYTHING, and to be indifferent to EVERYBODY. If you do so you will choose. And only God does so. He chooses those whom he likes. And you are a spirit which has appeared according to the plan of the Creator, you must not be like God, that is to choose. Live according to the law of the Creator of the Word «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» at the same time and at once and identically. If you love someone stronger or more than others, soon you will feel sense of disappointment, hatred, loneliness and emptiness. And if you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY at the same time and at once, you will not be able to hate it at the same time and at once. That’s why you will always love. And trust me, you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Show me a man who hates EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, there is not such a man, because a man definitely sympathizes with someone or something. The love from the Creator of the Word is permanent, eternal and love from God is personal, temporal.

Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY does not mean that you are obliged to help every beggar or a sick man you have met in the street. No, it is not love, it is sense of pity, compassion, mercy, sympathy, but it is not love and this sense have no any relation to love. That’s why I tell you once again, nobody can understand the sense of love, it is not given to anybody, only the Creator of the Word knows everything about love. That’s why we must not ask God for love, we are love ourselves. And as God is Light and has no any relation to love, because the Love is the bar of a spirit, and the bar is created by the Creator it is useless to ask God for love. Because Light cannot be love and it has no any relation to love. Light is Light, and Darkness is Darkness, and Light cannot be Love, but Darkness cannot be Evil. And if we are love ourselves, we cannot cause pain and sufferings to the surrounders. Yes, but we cause pain and sufferings to others, although then we always regret about it and feel the guilt. Why so? Because a spirit is closed in a physical body, and the body at the physical level is managed by either God or his son. I can say Your body is managed. In other words, each man has its fate. Nobody knows how will die and when will die or when will become ill. We do not know what will happen with us in a minute or in a second.How can we manage our fate then if we do not know what will happen with us in a moment.

Many of you noticed some interesting moments. For example, you do not want to go somewhere, because you know that nothing good expects you there. But, nevertheless, you still dress and go against the desire. So, if you do not want to go, and you manage your fate-do not go. But you go, not understanding why you do it, and something bad happens with you. And you blame yourself for that. My dear, you could not do otherwise. Because the fate is written for everybody, it is impossible to change the fate on the physical level. If Your thoughts are still changed, that is you are thinking about something at one moment and about something else at another moment. The fate is not changed at the physical level. If you must go, you will go, if you must do something, you will do it. And if you must not do it, however you try you will not do it. You know, it is strange to realize that everybody understands that he is not an owner of his fate and lives according the fate which is written by God. And a man perfectly understands, that if he is not lucky, it is his written fate. But, nevertheless, when something bad happens with him, he blames himself or other people for that. But other people also live according to the written fate and they also are not guilty in anything.

Only God is guilty of everything. And everything that happens on Earth is His and His Son’s guilt. Why do not people blame God for all misfortunes? People blame other people more frequent than God, because people are afraid to blame God. People are afraid that He will punish them or their children. But know: whether you blame God for all misfortunes or not, He however, will punish you and Your relatives as well as He did it earlier. People tell me, that large events are written, and smaller ones we are making ourselves. And I tell you, that there are not second-rate events in the fate. And nobody will allow to make chaos. Because if even one event is not written for a man or for a Planet, and a man will try to do it as he wants, and everybody will do the same, there will be chaos, and nobody will allow it. Because, if it is written for a man to live 80 years, and at some moment he will commit suicide and will die, but according to the fate he must live to

80 years, and he has died. The written fate has been broken because a man has decided to die. And if everybody begins to do so, there will be chaos. And nobody will allow chaos. That’s why I tell you with complete responsibility that the fate of a man is written minute to minute. You sometimes in the evening plan to do something, but the next day you do absolutely another things. So if you did something, you had not think about, how could you do it, if you did not think about it? Because everything is rather simple, everything is written in the fate. You have your own ideas, you are given many ideas, ideas are changed. During a second you can have many different ideas but they don’t influence on the fate. But at the physical level you do only such things which have been written for you. It is impossible neither change nor close the fate . You will live according to the fate which is written by God and His Son. It cannot be otherwise.

That’s why I have told you in the book, that there are few people who can read the fate of a man from the power field of the Creation. They can predict the fate. So the fate is already written for everybody and it cannot be changed. If a man thinks about something, then he tries to do it at the physical level, in the real life- it has been written in the fate. And if a man simply has thought about something and has not realized the ideas, and he will not try to do it, these ideas come to a man from outside, and they do not influence on the fate of this man. Everything you do at the physical level and everything Your physical body does – everything is written in your fate. God put a spirit in a physical body and manages this body. And you can think what you want, but your physical body does what is written for it in the fate. If a man does not want to do something, and then he does it (because it is written in the fate) and his activities have caused his crippleness,the man blames himself for this accident but he does not blame God. You see, how God torments spirits. Everybody knows about it, but do nothing because God wants it.

A man is not always given the ideas which are written in the fate. For example, sometimes a man says that he successfuly does everything he has thought about. It means that spirits which serve God and are responsible for the ideas give the correct ideas to this man. Such people are named “lucky”. Because everything that this man plans he successfuly does. And vice versa. A man sometimes has ideas which are not written in the fate. And a man, listening his thoughts (as he thinks) tries to do something, but he can do nothing. Finally the man does something that is written in the fate in spite of the fact that he does not think about it. And his activity finishes either well or badly. Because the man cannot do anything that is not written in the fate, it is not given him to do it. And the man blames himself or other people. You see how cunning God does. If at the physical level you went and broke a leg (and it was not written in your fate ) then you would lie with the broken leg. According your fate you must work,but you are in a hospital at this time. If all people begin to do so, it will be chaos. God and His Son will not allow chaos in their house. That’s why everything that happens with people, both good or bad, everything is written in the fate by God or His Son. A spirit cannot cause pain and suffering another spirit, it is not given to it. Remember, you have read in the book, that one sheep cannot eat another sheep, it is not created for it. The same is with people. A spirit in a human body or a man cannot cause pain and sufferings to another man, a spirit is not created for this purpose. But when a spirit is in a physical body, the physical body is managed by God and His Son or their first helpers. And the man does not even understand what he does. The man beats another man, not understanding what he does. The man stabs another man with a knife or kills another man, not controlling himself and his body. And then, when the man understands what he has done, it is already too late. And then the man proves to everybody and to himself that he has done everything without his will, and he does not know how it has happened. He begins to blame himself for everything that has happened.Sometimes people blame the Dark. And it has happened because it is written in the fate. Whether you want it or do not want it, it will happen, because it is written by God or His Son. And it is not a man’s guilt that he has become a thief, an executioner,a killer, a professor or a maniac. It is written in his fate. Every bullet have its billet. And it is impossible to change a fate. It is written for one man to be a president, and to other man to be a killer-maniac. Nobody asks a spirit what fate he wants. He is simply put before the fact, that he must regenerate in a physical body. And when a man goes away to Paradise or to Hell, he does not regenerate on Earth. So, my dear , whoever you are, whatever You do, absolutely everything is written by God in the fate. It is written for one to plough land, for other to kill people, for the third to kill animals etc. It is impossible to change the fate which is written by God.

God put a spirit in a physical body, and began to manage this body. Look, your body makes so many involuntary motions about which you even do not think and you do not even notice these motions and do not control them. For example: you gesticulate your hands when you are talking, you move feet and hands when you are walking along the street, you are not aware of your actions. You do not make your hands and feet to move. Your physical body does everything itself, you do not give any commands. Your physical body produces different actions (you bury your hands in pockets, gesticulate, revolve by your head, stamp feet et cetera) not asking you. It is not reflex, your physical body simply does those motions which are written for it, and you cannot even control them. So, everything Your body does and creates (kills, cuts, drives a car etc.) is written in its fate. And you must not blame yourself for it. You must blame only God. Because, if you accidentally have hit a man by a car to death, it is written for you, and it is not Your guilt.

Spirits-people have the Bar-Love which is inside a shell “to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY”. That is you are Love yourself, which loves everything that is created for it,i.e EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. God put a physical body with different diseases and vital problems on this bar which is inside a shell. The body has crushed the bar with a shell so that a man has forgotten about a spirit, a man has forgotten about who he is, that he is from the Creator and he is free, and nobody has no the right to force him to remain where he does not want to be. And nobody has no the right to force a man (spirit)to do anything he does not want to do.

If you understand that God and His Son(not you) are responsible for everything you think and you do, you will stop blaming yourself for everything you do. And if you understand that changing the fate is impossible and stop blaming yourself for everything, and stop calling yourself a looser, you will stop blaming yourself for everything. You must understand that according to the plan of the Creator you are a free spirit which has the right to choose what he wants. Then you will not be afraid of the next day because everything that will happen tomorrow is written by God and His Son and nothing depends of you, and there is no Your guilt here. God and His Son are responsible for your whole life, whatever it is good or bad. And you must not atone for so-called your sins which they have written for you, but they must take responsibility for their actions against you and for their lie and treachery. And whoever you are: a doctor or a killer, a professor or a thief, a maniac or a psychologist – there is not Your guilt here. It is written for you in the fate, and it is impossible to change the fate, trust me. For example a man by some reason did not fly by plane, and then appeared, that this plane had wrecked. It does not mean that the man has given up the flight because he has heard about a danger and it does not mean that a man has deceived the fate. Everything was written for him – it was shown to me. I have seen it – where, how and who writes the human fates and also fates for animals, nature and the Planet. It is written not only by God, it is written by God, His Son and first helpers.

You remember, it is written in the book, that God has said spirits: those spirits who remain with Him in Light and submit only to Him and to His Son, these spirits will get the power over spirits which are in the physical and other bodies. So, many Spirits take part in writing of human fates, because each of them wants to bring big or small contribution (which he can bring according to his hierarchy) in the fate of the spirit which is in the physical body. God let them do it. As the Spirits are different and have different position on a hierarchical stair, each of the Spirits brings something he thinks possible in the fate of a man . The human fate is written to the smallest details, trust me on a word. God and His Son write your fate from the moment of birth to the moment of death. And it is impossible to change the fate. God makes people to kill,to force,to rob,to steal etc. according to the fate. That’s why I can say with a complete confidence and responsibility that it is God who writes the fate for a man and make him to do various crimes and negative acts.

You remember, it is said in the book, that spirits will go away to Paradise or to Hell. At the beginning there will be not many such spirits, but their amount will constantly increase. Then the amount of such spirits which will go away to Paradise and to Hell will more and more increase. So more and more people will go away to Paradise and to Hell, passing (not getting) by Purgatory. Because everyone, who will read this book – knows that he will not get to Purgatory, if he does not choose it. And he knows the truth, and he knows what he needs to do and how to act. Accordingly, if Purgatory is empty, it will slowly disappear . Because in Purgatory will be only those spirits which worship God and have chosen expiation of sins. Accordingly, if some area of Purgatory is empty,it disappears because nobody needs it.

You have read in the book that the time will come when all spirits will go away to Paradise or to Hell and there will not be people on Earth. So, as many spirits will go away as less spirits will get to Earth , accordingly less and less spirits will get to Purgatory. And if even one torture stands without work for short time, it disappears forever and only God can recover it and it will take Him much force. And when the last man will leave the Earth for Hell or Paradise, by that time the last tortures of Purgatory will disappear forever and Purgatory after the lack of need will disappear forever without a right for renewal. Because nobody will torture spirits anymore. Because the last torture and the last reminder about the old director disappeared.

God put a physical body on the bar of spirit (Love) which is in the shell - to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and began to manage the body and the body began to manage a spirit. The body wants to rest, to eat, the body is cold or hot. The body becomes ill. God does everything to make a spirit in the physical body constantly feel discomfort. And the body so strongly began to manage the spirit: it wants to take away wrinkles, it wants to wear the pretty clothes et cetera, so the body has absorbed the spirit that the spirit has no time and cannot look at itself and look inside it and ask question – what he does here, how he has find itself here and how long he has been here? God has closed all information from people and does all possible to make people on Earth to be fully absorbed by domestic, material and different other various problems and confusions. God does all possible, that a man is concentrated on his physical body and on this physical life. Because God is not interested in spirit’s concentration on the internal world. When a physical body dies, and a spirit at last rids of it, absolutely all problems leave a man. Because, when, vividly speaking, a man is in a spirit, and his physical body is dead, the man rids of all problems which has made the physical body for him. When the spirit leaves his physical body and gets to another world,the spirit does not want to return back to its physical body. Because, when a spirit gets rid of the physical body and of all problems which are made by the physical body, the spirit has the only sense-it is Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

You know that many people were at the line of death, but they were returned for some reason. These people tell the following: they found themselves in the bright light, they were so well there, that they did not want to return back. Why so? Because, when a spirit gets rid of a physical body, it has the only sense-it is Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why the Spirit does not want to go back into the physical body, where it is again expected by lie, treachery, hatred, etc.A spirit wants to get rid of everything God has given him, of some senses, of life problems. He wants to have the only sense-to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why a man does not want to be back to his physical body but God returns him in the body by any way. A man thinks that he is an owner of the fate. A spirit or a man cannot be the owner of his fate, having 10% mental development. And God and His Son will not allow it. Only the spirit which has 100% mental development can be the owner of his fate. Such spirits are the competent owners of the fate. And in the spiritual World God cannot write a fate-it is the only place of all Worlds, created by God, where God cannot write a fate. If in Paradise, God can talk about something with the spirit which has 100% mental development of brain and persuade it into something (for example, to get down on Earth) , in Hell spirits do not absolutely submit to God. Because Light hangs in Darkness and Light is weak before Darkness. Light cannot manage all Darkness, because Light is created in Darkness. I have already told you: Light is crumbs of bread on the table of Darkness. Look at the sky and you will understand everything.

Look, how everybody suffers here on Earth- both people and animals, and nature. They say – nature does not have bad weather,they say –it is difficult to please a man. No, God does everything to make a man to feel discomfort in a physical body. A body constantly has illnesses and feels weather discomfort. There is such weather on Earth, that a man feels discomfort: it is cold, hot, snow or rain. God does everything here on Earth to torture people, birds, animals as much as it is possible here. Look at birds, the poor ones, how much they suffer: in fact the birds need to cross seas and oceans to hatch, many of them die. Look at the poor animals, they suffer both from cold and from heat, and from hunger. And nature also suffers from drought, heat, floods, natural disasters. God has made life unbearable on Earth. But God has done everything that people which are not absolutely guilty, blame themselves for all misfortunes on Earth. So God makes a cat’s paw out of other people.

Think, who needs hunger and wars on Earth? People say that the Dark need it. Now think, why the Dark need wars and hunger, why they need human deaths, if all people go to Purgatory? Only God needs all wars, hunger, natural disasters, everything that mass kills people. Because God has created Purgatory, and it must be always filled. If some areas of Purgatory are empty and stand without work for some time, they disappear as not wanted. And it is very difficult for God to recover the area of Purgatory, it is like a scientist who recovers an old manuscript, it is a bit problematic, but possibly. So God will not allow Purgatory to stand without work. That’s why God does wars, hunger, natural disasters and everything that kills people, but only necessary amount. Only God and His Son need all wars, hunger and everything that kills people.

I say you, when you have read this book, you will not already be afraid of God. Because you know the truth, and who knows the truth, there is nothing to be afraid of. So, my dear ,live as well as you live according to the fate. You cannot change it and you cannot add anything to it. Live as well as you have lived, solve problems and questions as God has written for you, because you cannot do otherwise. Live and wait for the hour of your death . When death will come, and you will die, Your spirit will be carried through the so-called tunnel to the waiting room of Purgatory. It is a room in which there are not walls and it is impossible to overcome it. This room is full of bright Light. So you will appear in the waiting room of Purgatory, filled with bright Light. Then you will hear in your mind the pretty, quiet voice. It will say you, that you have died, have left your physical body and have appeared before Light, in order to learn Your sins. They want to know, whether you are ready to atone the sins. You will be said that if you will not atone the sins, you will not be able to get to Paradise, because sinners are in Hell. Then you will see in your mind all Your life and you will remember everything to the smallest details, everything that have happened with you in this life. You also will remember about this book, you will remember it to the smallest details, you will remember everything, that you have read, you will remember everything that you have thought about, you will remember everything.

Those people who did not read this book, they would be asked by the second helpers of Son of God in Light. Because neither Son of God nor God is interested in those people who worship Him. Because God knows, that sheep which worship Him does not know the truth and it is not interesting to Him. And when a man, who has read this book, and who has his opinion about God and His Son will appear in Light, Son of God or His first helpers will talk with such a man. Because such a man is the rebellious sheep, and this sheep needs to be quickly driven in a herd. That’s why Son of God will speak with the man who has read this book, in order to drive the rebellious sheep back in the herd. You will be shown Your life and pointed on those sins that you have done living on Earth in the physical body. You will be said that if you atone your sins you will get to Paradise, and you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory. All over Paradise of Purgatory there are fields, gardens, flowers, small rivers, lakes, interesting buildings – it is Paradise of Purgatory. And you also will be said that if you do not atone the sins, you will get to Hell. And you will be shown tortures of Purgatory and that place in Purgatory which is called Hell by the Light spirits. Because in this place of Purgatory there are such tortures, that it is terrible even speak about them. Accordingly, when a spirit has looked at Paradise of Purgatory and on that Hell which God has created in Purgatory, the spirit at once says that he is ready to atone his sins, he does not want to stay in Hell. When a spirit sees tortures of Purgatory he is shocked, because he has never heard and seen it. And when he is said that it is Hell, the spirit agrees with everything because he does not want to get there. That’s why the spirit does not even ask what means expiation of sins and how it happens. The spirit with gladness agrees to expiation, and as soon as he agrees, he at once gets to Purgatory, to tortures and torments for indefinite term. In Purgatory the spirit does not understand when he dies or regenerates, he feels permanent unbearable pain. It is like a man on Earth who does not understand how and when he is born and how and when he has died. The man does not realize it, he simply lives from birth to death. The same is with the spirit in Purgatory,he does not understand that he regenerates and dies, he simply feels permanent unbearable pain and sufferings between the birth and death.

There are people who ask: «What is expiation of sins?» Those, who are in Light tells them, that expiation of sins is to beg pardon of God, and as soon as God forgives the spirit at once gets to Paradise. And spirits agree with gladness. Do not believe this lie, because as soon as you agree with expiation of sins, you at once will find yourself in Purgatory and it is not easy to go out from Purgatory . So expiation of sins really consists of begging for God’s mercy. But those from Light, who tells it, does not tell about one moment – where you must pray for expiation of sins, but you must do it in Purgatory. And a spirit, being boiling in boiling water, cries in agony, asking and begging pardon of God, and does not know for what.

So spirits beg pardon of God for the sins in caldrons, in tortures. They beg pardon having here unbearable pain and sufferings. And you must agree yourself to atone the so-called sins, that is to give a voluntarily consent. Do not do it nowise!

But the man who has read this book, will ask nothing neither God nor His Son! The man who has read this book knows, who is God (director), who is Son of God, how they treat spirits, and what you can expect from them. Such a man knows the truth. And if a man knows the truth, it is impossible to intimidate and entice such a man. Such people who will read this book will be the most dangerous and most obstinate and rebellious rams for God and His Son.

Remember, my dear ,those who have read this book and have memorized that the truth is the truth, a lie is a lie, Light is Light, and Darkness is Darkness, they cannot be good or bad. And that every spirit is Love which Loves EVERYTHING that is created for him, EVERYBODY who is created for him. When such a man will die, his spirit, getting through a tunnel, will appear in Light, in the waiting room of Purgatory and Son of God or His first helpers will talk with such a spirit. Because it is the sheep, which has strayed from a herd and such a sheep needs to be returned in the herd by intimidation, fear, flattery and by other possible ways. Besides this sheep needs to be punished by all possible methods. So, when the man who knows the truth, who has read this book dies, he also will be carried through a tunnel. And the man begins to understand and realize that he cannot return back (that he has died) , and the man understands that he is already the spirit and there is nobody near him, the life on Earth has remained in the past. And the spirit through the tunnel gets to the waiting room of Purgatory. I have already told you, what is the waiting room of Purgatory – a room which has no walls, which is filled with bright Light. A spirit gets in bright Light and understands that he has found himself before Light. He understands that it will be necessary to be responsible for all sins, for everything, that he has done wrong in this life, for all good and bad acts. I saw how many spirits had fallen on their knees. The spirit unwillingly feels original fear, the fear before Light, the fear before Court. He understands that it will be necessary to be responsible for the whole life. The spirit is in original tensity. And suddenly, the spirit (a man)clearly hears clear, kind, sedative voice which comes as though from Light. This voice tells the spirit that he must not be afraid of nobody, nobody will offend him here, that he is loved and waited here, that there is nothing to be afraid of, that if he loves God he must not worry, because God loves everybody and forgives everything. The voice tells many things disposing the spirit to itself. When they will talk to the spirit, they will show him his life. His whole life is shown to the spirit as on the large screen to the smallest details, it is impossible to hide anything . They make the spirit to remember absolutely everything, everything is taken from his memory, everything that it has, it is impossible to hide something. And everything that the spirit remembers is shown him as on the large invisible screen. The spirit is fully absorbed by this process. The spirit’s attention is accented on some events from his life. He is pointed on the so-called sins, on some acts which God does not like, on some moments and situations from the life of the spirit. So all Your life from the moment of birth to the moment of death will be shown you. And you will remember everything. You will remember the forgotten moments of Your life, you will remember everything. Then you will be pointed on you Your so-called sins which you have done in your life. Then you will be said that in order to get to Paradise you need to atone these sins and you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory. But if the spirit does not want to clear up himself and wants to remain in the sins and get to Hell (they show the spirit that place in Purgatory, where the most frightful tortures are), they will not prevent from it, it is his choice, they have given it to him. When the spirit sees the place in Purgatory which is shown him and is called Hell, the spirit feels such fear which is impossible to imagine. Because the spirit is shown the most frightful and terrible place in Purgatory which the Light spirits has named Hell of Purgatory. There are the most frightful tortures of Purgatory in that place. It is better to burn in a fire than stand such tortures. So the gentle voice says you that in order to get to Paradise, you need to clear yourself, because you are sinful, and the sinful man cannot get to Paradise. They show Paradise of Purgatory: gardens, lakes, fields et cetera. If you ask what clearing is, it will be said you, that you must pray God for forgiveness of the sins. When God will hear Your petition, Your prayers, He will take pity above you and Your clearing will be complete. But nobody says, where the clearing will take place. There are many things which are not told to the spirit, everything that is told is a lie. When the spirit remembers Hell of Purgatory, remembers those frightful tortures which have been shown him, remembers everything that he has seen there the spirit cries in horror, he says that he does not want to get to Hell. He agrees to take any clearing just not to get to Hell, and agree to stand any clearing to get to Paradise. As soon as the spirit talks it he will sign sentence upon himself. The spirit at once finds himself in tortures of Purgatory. In Purgatory, in frightful unbearable tortures the spirit begins to pray of God for forgiveness, and standing unbearable tortures and sufferings, in frightful tortures he prays for forgiveness of the sins which are created by God. Every spirit is in Purgatory as long as God or His Son has defined him.

I can say you the following, I have seen Purgatory, there are different places there. There are wonderful and good places, there are tolerant and satisfactory ones, there are bad and unendurable ones, there are frightful and unbearable ones, and there are such places which I cannot describe, because such a category of cruelty is not simply exist. For example, there is a place in Purgatory which Light spirits, being in real Paradise, name Hell. Why do they name it so? Because the spirits(people),which on Earth have inverted Star, which under the sign of Star have done different offerings and evil, get there. The people who under the name of Satan have done some evil. The people who inverted the Star and implanted the head of an animal with horns on it and associated all this deformity with Satan. All of those who are considered to be Dark and Satanists, carrying evil, hatred, tears, violence, tortures and sufferings, those spirits get to so-called Hell of Purgatory. I do not even want to remember it! Because this deformity cannot be compared with anything. Trust me, my dear ,it is better not to get to so-called Hell of Purgatory, because there are the most frightful tortures there. Why is the spirit asked what he chooses: Hell or Paradise? Because the spirit is Love which loves EVERYTHING that is created for him. And the spirit is free. And nobody can violently subject the spirit to tortures, if only the spirit agrees to atone all sins himself. In other words, he must voluntarily throw himself in tortures. And when the spirit agrees to expiation, i.e. tortures, it is already his right. There is nothing to punish the spirit for. The bar of the spirit or the spirit of the spirit is Love, and it cannot be closed and forbidden.

So the spirit is Love, he must live according to the commandment «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY». Everything that is made and created, is done for the good of spirits. Because, if it will not make happy a spirit (a worker), but it will make happy only God (director), what is use of such Creation? That’s why the spirit is Love and there is nothing to punish him for . The spirit needs, as well as before, to travel through the different Worlds, Measurings, to study the Creation and love it. As well as it was, it must be and it will be!

But God has put a physical body on the spirit, has rewarded this body by the heap of illnesses, has created an unbearable life on Earth. God has written a fate for the physical body . So the spirit lives in the physical body according to the fate. A human physical body does everything that is written for him in the fate. Remember, how many times you did not want to do something, or to go somewhere, but your physical body lifted you and did what it had to do. Why do God and His Son punish spirits after death of the physical body? In fact the spirit is Love, he is clean and sinless from the moment of his creation. And the spirit lived in the physical body, which submitted to the fate written by God. So, if the spirit was in the body unwillingly and by deception, and this physical body sinned, because God had written his fate and God managed this body, let God take the dead body which has sinned and punish it. The spirit is not guilty, he has released from this prison, from this body, what is the spirit punished for? He was closed in this prison by God.

You know, my dear ,I am so sorry for those people who have not read this book. Because these people will see nothing except for Purgatory and regeneration. Well, as the saying goes – to each his own. You will ask me – where I know all of it from? Everything that takes place in Light is perfectly seen and heard in Darkness only for those who wants to see and hear it. Everything was shown me from Darkness. And I saw everything that I could see. And what I could not see was explained to me and told me. And I tell you, especially I speak to those, who has read this book. When the time of your death will come, you, as well as another people, will fly through a tunnel and will appear in bright Light. It is the waiting room of Purgatory. I have told you, but I must repeat it again, that either Son of God or his first helpers will talk to you, because the rebellious sheep which knows the truth, must be driven in a herd. They will do all possible to remain you in Purgatory or, at least, send you to the real Paradise. They will do all possible the spirit will not go to the real Hell. They will talk for a long time with such a spirit who has read this book, all depends on the spirit’s desire to see and to know the real truth. So, when you appear in the waiting room of Purgatory, filled with bright Light, I have already said you, who will talk with you. They will talk for a long time and convincingly, then you will begin to remember everything. Everything, absolutely everything will be taken from your memory and you will remember everything. And you will remember this book, from the first to the last letter. And you will be said that this book is a lie and a device. Do not believe them, they lie you, and you will be assured in it soon. And you, as well as other spirits, will be pointed at your sins which you have done being here on Earth in the physical body. But you have read this book and you know what you need to say, and who is God and His Son. When you will remember everything, that Your memory has, you will remember this book, and you will remember it from the first letter to the last letter. And when you will remember everything, and voice which sounds from Light will point You at Your defects and at Your sins you will not already be afraid of this voice. Because you will remember this book. And you will understand that you talk with one of the powerful Light spirits, which by all means will try to keep you in Purgatory. But if you resist he will try to keep you in Paradise by all means He will try to dissuade you from Hell. He will remind you of all Your sins, will point at Your bad acts and vulgar ideas. In general, He will sort out Your life . Then He will say that you need to atone your sins, because sinners cannot get to Paradise, the sinners are in Hell. And if you refuse to atone sins, you will get to Hell as a sinner, and if you atone your sins, you will enter Paradise as a clean spirit. Do not agree with this lie, do not sign a sentence to yourself, do not be afraid of their lie. And you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory or maybe you will be shown the real Paradise because you know the truth. And then you will be shown Hell of Purgatory. Well, I can say you, that there is such ugliness in the Hell of Purgatory. This ugliness is created by God to frighten and torture spirits. Everybody, who has seen it, faints from the word Hell. But you have read this book, you know the truth and you can say Him: «What you will judge me for? From the Creator of the Word, I am Love. From the Creator of the Word my Love stands on the foundation to love everything that is created according to the plan of the Creator of the Word. And I love this Creation, these Worlds, these Creations. Now I am before you,the spirit, what is the sin of my spirit? My spirit is clean. And your sinful body, is not mine, it is your physical one, and you have put me there, you have not even asked me. That’s why take and punish the dead physical body now, because it has sinned. » And whoever you were during the life: a thief, a killer, an executioner, a maniac etc., it was not your guilt. It is the fate which has been written for the physical body and you (spirit Love) has been put in this body. And Your physical body not always submitted you, and you did not agree with everything you had done during your life. And you will say: «I am the spirit - Love, who loves the Creation, who knows and remembers about the Creator of the Word. And I have a complete right to look at my habitat and at habitat of my brothers -spirits, I have right to look at the real Paradise and the real Hell». You will be said, that you will have already seen real Paradise and real Hell. You will say that this is Paradise and Hell of Purgatory, and you want to see real Paradise and real Hell.No matter what He says, you must know that He cannot show you real Hell. Real Hell will be opened only to that spirit, who wants to know the truth, who knows what and whom he wants to see. That’s why you must demand . Why demand? Because you are Love, which has been deceived and having put in the physical body they has made you to do bad acts and suffer from torments. Now you know the truth, that’s why you have the right to require. And you talk:

« I require to show me real Hell.

Hell, which stands in Darkness, that Darkness which is stronger than Light, Darkness where Light hangs- Light God.

Hell which is more beautiful and better than Paradise.

Hell which stands in the Darkness, where spirits see in Darkness as well as in Light.

Hell where all spirits are equal and absolutely all of them have 100% level of development of brain.

Hell where all spirits have sense of Love and observe the only commandment of the Creator of the Word, they Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

Hell where there is not scream, crying, suffering, torture, pain, despair. Where there is not difference between the Dark and the Light spirits, they differ only by clothes.

Hell where there are not tortures and nobody suffers , where there are not tears .

Hell where justice and equality reigns and the law of the Creator of the Word is observed, where there is gladness and happiness, which stands at the same level with Paradise.

Hell where Satan is recognized as the only master and sovereign and where the only Satan governs and commands. Satan, which rose in revolt against God for spirits.

Show me the Dark spirits in the Hell».

It does not mean that you must say it word for word according to the text, certainly not, say it in your own words, but close with this text. As soon as you say it, Darkness will open and will show you real Hell.

«I want you to show me real Paradise, which stands in Light, which is created by God. Paradise, where all spirits have 100% level of development of brain, Paradise, where God and the Son of God govens, Paradise, where all spirits are happy in their own way. Paradise which stands at the same level with Hell, show me the Light spirits in Paradise». As soon as you say so Light will open Paradise for you.

Darkness will show you Hell and Light will show you Paradise. When you require to show you Hell and Paradise you can talk your own words, such words which you consider necessary to say. As soon as you demand to show you real Paradise and Hell, Darkness will open Hell for you, and Light will open Paradise for you. And paths from Paradise and from Hell will stretch to you. You will see real Hell in all its beauty, but not that Hell, about which Bible has told you and that Hell which you have seen in Purgatory. And you will see Paradise in all its beauty. You are Love and there is not a sin on you, Your spirit is clean. It is God who has sinned by Your physical body on Earth, because He has written the fate for it, and there is not Your sin and cannot be. That’s why the paths from Paradise and from Hell will stretch to you. Go there, where you have chosen, any Your choice is Your choice, and it will be fair. The voice from Light which has talked to you will disappear at once, as soon as real Hell and Paradise will appear. Choose yourself, it is your choice. But, wherever you will come: to Hell or to Paradise, you will be met by Your brothers spirits. They will help you to accelerate the mental development of brain to 100%, to make you the competent and valuable spirit of Hell or Paradise in the shortest time. Nobody has the right to say the spirit, that he needs to deserve Paradise. Paradise is the habitat of spirits. Paradise was created for spirits, he was created, when Hell has not existed yet. The spirit is Love, the spirit cannot be sinful. There is no the spirit’s guilt that God closed him in a physical (human) body, and God wrote the fate for this body and made him to sin. Then, when death takes away the physical body, and the poor spirit at last releases from this prison, his gladness is clouded because he is told that he has sinned in the human body and now he must atone these sins. And the poor spirit believes in everything, that he is told. He believes because he does not know the truth. The one who has read this book, will not be deceived neither God nor the Son of God nor His spirits. Because such a spirit knows the truth and he will not listen fibs of God and His Son.

I will also say you, will not call people after you. Do not give bread to satisfied people, but give bread to those who will come to you. You cannot refuse to those who asks. Help to find the truth to those who searches it, if he wishes it and wants to know the truth. Give an answer to that man who will come to you with a question. In fact you know answers for all questions now.

Do not enter any religious, cult sects or church meetings. Do not go there because there is only lie there. And you are told everywhere, that God is good, you need to worship Him, that people are sinful and must atone the sins. Do not bring money to a church. Priests make a profit on Your money. It is better to spend this money for something you consider it necessary. You need not trust a church, priests, all of them decieve you.

You have read this book and follow the road of the truth and do not be afraid of God and His Son. So go bravely and do not be afraid of nothing and nobody, neither God, nor His Son, nor a church nor priests. And if you on this path have met the like-minded person who thinks as well as you, team up with him and with other like-minded people which think as well as you. Because it is difficult to fight alone against (directors) God. Trust me, I know it. I say you once again, those who have chosen the way of the truth, unite!

People say: ”A man will not be given more tests than he can bear.” I tell you, that it is not so. Any man can be written such a fate, that another man cannot bear. Blame for everything only those who writes the fate . It is the guilt of God and His Son. Only God and His Son are guilty of all Your sins and misfortunes. When a man has the favourable fate he is given the correct ideas, and everything he thinks and does and speaks about he easily pan out. Such people are named lucky ones or successful people. They say that they think and do everything themselves-it is a lie. It is written in their fate. But some people can do nothing they plan, nothing pans out. Whatever he does, nothing pans out, whatever he thinks, nothing comes true. Such people are named unlucky persons, and I again tell you-it is a lie. It is so written in their fate. More good moments are written for some people, less good moments are written for other people.

My dear, blame neither yourself nor other people for all those acts that you or other people have done.

This book gives answers for any Your questions. If you carefully read it and analyse everything and say that it is actual, you will wake up! Your time has come, and now you look at the life with other eyes.

At the end, I will say you so. Live as you live, according to your fate. You cannot change your fate and do not try to change it, you cannot do it. That’s why live as you live. If you want, you can worship God, If you do not want –do not, it is Your right. Remember always the Creator of the Word ! And do everything you do, however you cannot change all these acts, all affairs, all events which will happen with you(no matter they are good or bad) ,you cannot change or avoid them in any way. And if it is written in your fate to be a killer, no matter you want it or not, you will go to kill. And you will resist and will repent and ask God for help however it will not help. Your body will go, will take some instrument of murder and will search the victim. The body kills a body. Tell me, what is the spirit’s guilt? He is closed in the physical body, repents before God for the acts of his physical body. And the physical body continues to kill. The spirit into the body does not want more murders, and he asks God to forgive him, but God, as well as always, does not hear him and the body continues to kill the other body. That’s why, my dear , whoever you are according to your fate and whatever you do, what acts you do, good or bad, there is no your guilt in it. All responsibility for Your whole life on Earth, for those acts, good or bad, which you have done, all responsibility lay only on God and His Son.

So now when know everything or almost everything, say honestly to yourself: « who must be judged for the sins of a spirit in a human body? The spirit, who lived according to the fate written by God or God and His Son?» Certainly it is the guilt only of God and His Son. Only God and His Son must bear the real punishment for the sins of all humanity, they have done them, they must atone them. And it will be so soon! A new director will come and will replace the old director, and the son will be taken away there, where his place already waits for him, where there is the very place for him and his father. God changes in a spirit. I tell you, one spirit comes, another goes away.

Remember about the Creator of the Word, remember that He exists, do not forget Him. Try to express the Creator of the Word without a word. Nobody can do it. Live according the fate untill death will release you from the physical body. And when Your time to appear in Light will come, do not be afraid of anything, and do not agree with anything, do not give in a deception and a lie. You will be persuaded, you even will be threatened affectionately, do not agree with anything. And as soon as you demand to show you that Hell, which you want to see (I have told you what you must say)and that Paradise which you want to see, at once Darkness will open and will show you Hell, and Light at once will open and will show you Paradise. Go by any road which you have chosen. And whatever you choose, Hell or Paradise, it is Your choice and it will be the fair choice in any case.

Everything that you have read in this book and in its addition I was shown, and something that I could not see I was told. I have told and retold you everything, as well as I can do it. And you have to decide , what to trust: to this book or to the Bible. What to choose: Hell or Paradise, Dark or Light, the Creator of the Word or God, it is Your right. The Dark call to remember and not to forget the Creator of the Word, but the Light call to worship, to serve God (to the director). In other words, the Dark tell you to live as well as you live according to the fate. However you cannot change it, but remember always about the Creator of the Word. And remember that you have not any guilt and sins, and there is nothing to judge you for , and nobody has the right to judge you . When you will die, demand to show you the very Hell which you will say, and the very Paradise which you will say. It is your choice. Whatever you choose, it will be wonderful, fair and principally Your choice!

And I also, my dear , will say so: those who have read this book and have not believed in any line-it is Your right. Live as well as you live, change nothing, and do nothing. However, you will not change the fate! Be such, what you are.

But I have the only request – when Your time will come, and you will get to the waiting room of Purgatory, demand or even say, to show you real Hell and real Paradise. And say, necessarily, what kind of real Hell and real Paradise you want to see. And everything you will say, will appear immediately. And you will understand where is the truth and where is a lie. Choose what you want, go by any path, either to Hell, or to Paradise. It is your choice!

At the end I will say you the following, and I will say you goodbye here. The Earth is one of the youngest Planets. And people which live here have the minimum level of the development of brain. The information of technical plan is given people from other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The information which is given people from the Spiritual world is processed, analysed and deeply studied by other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The information from this book is already studied by many Extraterrestrial Civilizations. If this true information about real Hell and Paradise was given to other Extraterrestrial Civilization before than to humanity, this information would not get to people. Because Extraterrestrial Civilization will not give the information of spiritual plan to people. And people will never know this information. And people would go round in a circle: Life, Death, Purgatory, Regeneration. And so for ever and ever. That’s why a decision has been made ( you need not know by whom), to give this information to people on Earth, and automatically this information will spread around all the Creation, around all Measurings, around the whole Worlds, around all temporal measurings. While humanity will be studying and perceiving the information from this book, other Extraterrestrial Civilizations will be using this information .

Because this book is the only possibility to get to the Spiritual world ( Hell or Paradise) forever. If the process of getting to the Spiritual world (Hell or Paradise) will take people on Earth thousand years (maybe more and maybe less), at other Extraterrestrial Civilizations this process will happen more quickly, than on Earth. When all spirits will go away from the Creation to the Spiritual world, Hell or Paradise,the Dark spirits will go out from Hell and will team up with the Light spirits. And spirits again will become the organic whole. As at the beginning, when spirits were one single whole. And then the question about the necessity of existence of position of director (God) will be put. And if the decision about the lack of need in existence of position of director (God) is taken by absolutely all spirits, this position (that is God), will be taken away forever. Because nobody will give a guarantee, that a new director (God) in course of time will become as well as the old director (God). And as soon as position of the director (God) is taken away, and the spirit (God) is taken away, all those senses which are created by the old director(God) will disappear at once. It is all those senses which a person has-it is the sense of malice, hatred, pity, kindness, fear, disappointment, revenge, suffering, despair, et cetera and others like that. I will not list all senses, you perfectly know them, because you constantly and daily feel them. All these senses are created by God (by a director) and all these senses will disappear with God ( a director). Because all these senses were created God out of the plan of the Creator of the Word. God created these senses to make a spirit suffer. Everything that is created out of the Plan of the Creator of the Word by God will disappear with Him. And everything that is created according to the plan of the Creator of the Word will remain. There will be Creations, Worlds, Measurings, in general all, that must be according to the plan of the Creator of the Word and a spirit- Love, which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And everything will come to what everything has been begun with. When the spirit- Love, traveled around the Creation, Worlds, Measurings with the only sense – he Loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

And it will be how it has been said in the book.

Essence of life is the Creator of the Word and the spirit- Love, which Loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. It will be so.

That’s why, my dear , read this book, cognize the truth, be afraid of nothing. Choice is after you!

I love you all. I wish you all blessings.

With respect Alexander Bugaenko. 2016

«God is a «word» and the Word creates this «word».

The wider cognition and the deeper explanation of some paragraphs of this book.

When you read the book, it was said about spirits whose primary level of the development of brain was 100%, the same as God’s level. The only difference between God and these spirits is that God perfectly uses the Alphabet, and the spirits know about Alphabet as much as they need to know about it. So God doesn’t differ from the spirits. It is as a director at the plant-what does he differ from a worker?By nothing!He has the same body, hands and feet as a worker has,his brain is developed like a worker’s brain.But the director simply knows how to manage the factory while a worker doesn’t know. So,the primary level of the development of brain of spirits was 100%,then it was said in the book that God began to close the mental abilities of the spirits to make it easy to control a spirit. And God saw, that it was good, that the spirits began to trust him and completely submit to him in everything. And God saw, that the more He closed their mental abilities, the easier He could manage the spirits. On the certain stage of the development, God reduced mental abilities of the spirits,which were created at that moment, by 10%. So, on every next stage God reduced the level of abilities of brain by 10%.Thus the spirits with 90% abilities of brain appeared,then they had 80%,70% abilities of brain. He created spirits with less mental abilities till He reached the minimum. The minimum is 10% abilities of the development of brain,as well as people’s development of brain. Now I will try to explain you what means 100% development of brain, what means 50% development and what means 10% development of brain. Humanity knows only ten numbers from zero (0) to nine(9).So we know numbers- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and all our science and mathematics operates with these numbers.I want you to know that the most important and the greatest number of all numbers is ZERO(0). Because zero(0) is a circle, it is the begining and the end,it is not changed,it is permanent while numbers from 1 to 9 are changed. ZERO is the main number, and other numbers are like spirits who take up a post of God and can be changed. So, humanity knows only ten numbers which determine the level of mental abilities of a man. I cannot tell you what the level of the development has the humanity, that is what number of ten its mental abilities is. Everybody determines it on your own. As it was said me:the humanity with 10% abilities of brain could not go outside the Planetary system.Only spirits with 20% abilities of brain can move through intergalactic spaces. So, we have found out that humanity knows only ten numbers, that zero (0) is the main number which is not changed, and the numbers from(1) to (9)are changed and the numbers are recurred after(9). The numbers from (1) to (9) is the determination of mental abilities of a man.

Now imagine those spirits whose level of the development of brain is20%.Our numbers are recurred after (9)because we know only ten numbers, and they know not ten numbers but twenty numbers which are onefigure and they are not recurred.Our multiplication table is from 1 to 9,but their table is from 1 to the number which determines 20% mental development. In other words, in human language to the number «19». But their calculations also begin and end with a number zero (0).So ZERO is the main number. So, the spirits with a 20% development of brain in physical and other bodies easily cross the Galaxy,the Universe in their spaceships and also can mentally communicate with each other.

Now imagine those spirits whose level of development of brain is30%. They already know not only ten numbers as we know, but thirty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their multiplication table is from 1 to the number which determines 30% mental development. In human language to the number «29». And in the calculations they operate not ten numbers, as we operate, but thirty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their calculations also begin and end with a number zero (0), because ZERO is the main number. So the spirits with a 30% level of the development in the physical bodies have another feelings, they mentally communicate and mentally see the nearest Planets and Galaxies.

Now imagine what can the spirits whose level of the development of brain is40%. These spirits already know forty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And their multiplication table is from 1 to the number which determines 40% mental development. In our human language to the number «39». And they make all calculations with forty onefigure numbers which are not recurred. And all calculations also begin and end with the number zero (0). ZERO is the main number. These spirits in their physical bodies have more capabilities and possibilities than the previous spirits.

The same things happen with spirits whose level of the development of brain is50%. They already know fifty onefigure numbers which are not recurred, and they make all calculations with the help of these numbers. And for them ZERO also is the main number. Only imagine, what is the level of their knowledges in mathematics! And at what level of the development are spirits in physical bodies!

Now imagine spirits whose level of the development of brain is60%, 70%, 80%, 90%.Each of them has its own calculation and all calculations begin and end with zero.

Now imagine,my dear, spirits whose level of the development is100%! They operate one hundred onefigure numbers which are not recurred! And their multiplication table is from 1 to that number which determines 100% level of the development! In our human language to the number «99». So, was it difficult for them to enter the physical bodies and travel through the different measurings and worlds? Certainly, it was not!

For example,people on Earth have 7% level of the development of brain,it means that all of us are developed not below that 7%. But God gives more information to somebody, and such man is already developed, for example, not on 7%, but on 7,0002%. Such man already begins to differ from other people by his capabilities: to attract metallic objects to himself or to control his physical body like yogi, or to leave the physical body by meditation and go as a spirit to other measuring having here 7,0002% development of brain.Imagine,how easy can spirits, which have 100% level of the development of brain, travel through the different measurings,temporal segments changing their bodies. It was written in the book, that spirits were initially created by God with a 100% level of the development. Now try to imagine a spirit who knows and operates one hundred onefigure numbers,try to make such a spirit to live in a physical body or impose him some your will-it is simply impossible! That’s why God began to close and diminish the mental development of brain or mental abilities of the spirits. And the more God closed their mental abilities the more He liked it. God has done everything to make spirits more and more foolish, because the more foolish are the spirits, the easier to manage them. And such spirit becomes more and more helpless. And the turn of people came, and God gave them only ten numbers or 10% mental development of brain.In such way God showed his «care»for his so-called creations,having made them retard spirits.It is his so-called Divine «love», «care» and «favour».

When I talk about the mental development of brain of a spirit it does not mean that I talk about doing some tasks in mathematics. I mean the quantity of information which God has given this spirit.When it is said that spirits have 10%, 20%, 30% et cetera development of brain, it means that spirits own as much information about the creation of Worlds, Measurings God has given them. And how hard spirits in physical and other bodies try to develop themselves,it is not given to them

They cannot walk over their level of the development.As I have already said God writes fate for every body,that’s why God will not let any physical body pass a higher level than He has given him. God does not write fate only in the Spiritual world, because there spirits have 100% level of development like God has.That’s why they can control a situation themselves, without intervention of God and they have not any body except the spiritual body.

Now let’s talk about a «director». To make it more clear in human language,I will make an example. For example,there is a director's office. There is a door in the office, and there is a tablet on the door,with the inscription «director». And there is a spirit into this office with the inscription «director». So this spirit will be changed, that is a new director will come instead of the old director.Spirits will be changed, because it is time for old director to go away and the old director will go away there, where it is already intended for him.His son will go away with him. They will go away once for all,i.e irretrievably. God is as the inscription on the tablet which hangs on the door of the director's office.The director's office is the place, where the Alphabet is and where constantly there is God. So a new director will come instead of the old director.So,the spirits will be changed, and the office (the place, where the Alphabet is) and the position «God» will be still remained. And people will name the new director «God» and they will give him another name, because nobody knows the real name of the director. Millenniums ago people worshiped a «director» with another name, people called him by different names. But they always named his position before the name. For example: God Zeus, God Ra, God Odin, God Father. Everywhere the word «God»stands near every name. When a new «God» comes on Earth, there are some original changes. But I tell you –don’t fib any gods!Remember – There is the only God!There is the only director at the plant,there can’t be two directors there. «God» is the position, and this position belongs to the «director». And whether you name the director God Father or God Ra, know, director-he is God- must be only one,there is the only God. And don’t give God any names,call him simply- God.So,the word «God» will be remained,and the spirit which is in Light will be changed. It is like the President of a country. The position of the «President» remains, and people change. But remember and keep in your mind, there is someone who has created this position of «god» and has created God as a spirit and has created the Alphabet. God (a director) is a spirit which sooner or later will be changed. I tell you: remember always the Creator of the Word! Because I want to say you there are no guarantees that a new director after a while will not follow the old director’s footsteps, and will not do the same, as the old director.That’s why you need not choose any directors, because the director (god) is appointed by the Creator of the Word.Don’t forget about the Creator of the Word, remember about him always.Try to express the Creator of the Word without a word.Nobody can do it. It is not given neither to spirits nor God.Those who once have heard about the Creator of the Word,they already understand that God is a «word», it is a «director», it is a spirit created by the Creator of the Word. And the director can be changed some time, and the Creator of the Word will always remain the Creator of the Word. And try to express the Creator of the Word without a word. And God is a word,He is the spirit created by the Creator.

I have already told you that I deal with this life with a smile. Because in the morning I wake up and understand whatever will happen this afternoon or at night or the next days-everything is written by God or his Son. That’s why when something good or bad happens, I know that everything is written. And you must not accuse yourself nowise. Because nothing depends of you. And you need not distress because of anything that has happened or will happen.You can accuse God or his Son, but not yourself. And you need not ask God anything, because He will take more than He will give. And now when you know, who God is, think,need you ask Him anything?

If a man remembers and does not forget about the Creator of the Word, such man will accuse God or his Son of all his misfortunes and troubles because this man knows the truth. And if a man worships God and his Son, such man will accuse of everything only himself.You see, how simple everything is.

Don’t believe God and a church, when they say that Devil or Demon has infused in a man. Another spirit cannot enter a human body (where already there is one spirit).There is only one spirit in a human body.That spirit which was placed in this body by God. There cannot be two spirits in one body! It is impossible to put one coat or one pair of trousers on two persons. In every body there is only one spirit and another one cannot enter this body. And to make you understand me right I will say that as soon as a spirit leaves a body that body at once will die. Because a body cannot exist without a spirit.

Now let’s talk about one more moment. Think, when baby teeth fall out,root teeth grow. So, why does a man have no teeth by the end of his life? In fact, if you strike a finger and spoil a nail, this nail falls out, and a new nail grows instead of the old nail. Why a man’s spoilt tooth falls out, and a new tooth does not grow in its place? In fact it is easy for God to do it. But God will not do it. Once God said people, that they would earn their bread in sweat. But God did not say that they would not eat and enjoy the meal. Because God took away a man’s teeth and wanted to make a man earn bread in sweat.But a man cannot eat bread, because he has no teeth.Finally,by the end of life,a man, not having health, earns the slice of bread and then,having earned bread,cannot eat it. Because he has no teeth. It is one more expression of «love» of God to the people.

Now let’s talk about how to understand the commandment of the Creator of the Word – Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and what it means. I will try to carry this information to you as clear as possible.

You remember, you have read in the book, that even God does not know what the bar of a spirit consists of.Exactly speaking God knows that the bar of a spirit is LOVE and this bar is into a shell, and this shell is the very love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That is LOVE loves everything, surrounding it, that is IT loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, and it cannot be otherwise. But even God cannot understand and cannot control the sense of love, because this sense exists according to the plan of the Creator. The plan of the creation of the Creation,the plan of the creation of the World which is given to God by the Creator of the Word is created on the basis of this sense. But it is not given even to God to understand and control this sense. I will say you the following,it is impossible to instill the sense «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» from the childhood, it is impossible to educate, produce or develop this sense. This sense is initially put in a spirit by the Creator of the Word.You read in the book that the Creator of the Word had said God to create spirits on appearance and similarity to Him. In other words, God as though cloned spirits of himself with the help of the Alphabet, only faces of the spirits differed from each other. That’s why God cannot understand the structure of his spiritual body and the structure of a spirit.It has been said me, and I tell you: the bar of a spirit is LOVE. LOVE is from the Creator of the Word, that’s why it is impossible to understand this sense. LOVE is the bar of a spirit and this bar is in a shell «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY». This is the only law of existence of the Creation. LOVE loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. This sense is the shell of the bar. It is impossible to close, take away, wipe, destroy love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.A spirit always has this sense. That is a spirit is love which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.A spirit cannot exist without this sense. To love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is a foundation which holds the bar of a spirit. So, the sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is initially put in a spirit(or in a man),we already have it. A spirit will not exist without this sense. It is impossible to produce or train this sense. This sense is identically in all spirits. One spirit cannot love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY stronger than another spirit. Do not think that a doctor ,a teacher or a professor has stronger sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY than a thief, a killer or an executioner has. Nowise. All people have absolutely the same sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, it consists of 10% mental development, neither more nor less.

Look, when our ancient ancestors looked in the night sky, they delighted the Space, the Creation. Millenniums have passed and now you look in the night sky and admire and love this world and this Creation in your own way. Tell me please, what our modern love and admiration of EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY differ from love and admiration to the Creation of our ancestors, by nothing. Both we and our ancestors : doctors, teachers, scientists, thieves, killers et cetera, absolutely all of them loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Because all of us, both we and they look in the night sky and admire it and we do not understand that it draws us. But it is not enough to call it admiration, you can admire something concrete or something that you can know or understand. But you cannot know and understand Darkness and Light, because we are developed on 10%.And I cannot say what is the number of our development at this moment,

you must decide it yourself. So, this sense is the very sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

Because, you look at the night sky when you are 5,you look at everything and love it all at once. In fact, you must admit that it is impossible to love the Star, or the Sun, or the Planet stronger than other planets. Love identically belongs to everybody. Because, if you love one planet more than other one, why other planet has deserved such a disgrace. Then you look at the sky when you are 20,30,40,50,70 and you admire it and feel universal love to it as in childhood. And at this moment when you are completely absorbed by the space sky, you love the Space, the Universes, you love this Earth and you love everything that surrounds you. This is the very sense of love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY which is put in every spirit. And however God tries to close this sense with many confusions and problems, a man still looks at the space sky and loves all Space, all and at once including the Earth. Both a doctor and a professor, both a thief and a killer- all of them look at the space sky and all of them love it. They love everything identically and at the same time. Everybody loves everything at once and at the same time – it is the very universal love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, which is put and exists in every spirit and you need not educate or produce it in yourself or ask God, as we are told by a church. And you must not love anything separately. You must love everything at once and at the same time.

The commandment of the Creator of the Word «to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» does not mean that you are forced to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. No, it means that you are LOVE which Loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. In fact, this sense is created exactly for you, do not forget it, love it. I must say you that to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY means to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY identically. It is given to nobody to love somebody more and somebody less. In other words, it is impossible to love a man some love, to love beasts some other love, to love nature another love, to love the Universe some special love. Love cannot be distributed: we love a wife and children special love, we love a house another love, we love a machine for it, etc, and love cannot be distributed, it is organic and identical for everyone. Love can be at the same time only to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Love cannot be separately . People do not love each other, they do not love animals or nature-it is another sense, you can name it as you want - appetence or fascination, but not love. Because at the same time you can love only EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. You cannot love separately. Because when we love separately whether it is a man or a bird, a beast, a machine, a house et cetera, then ,sooner or later, we begin to despise or even hate somebody and something of that we have liked. It is impossible. This was not love, but sense of admiration, liking, beauty, any other sense, but not love. It can be any sense which is created by God, because Love is based by the Creator and comes from the Creator, and all other senses are created by God. And if, for example, a man

has already hated everything that he loved, but it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Anyway at heart, you will calm down and will understand that you love this Creation, this Space, these Planets, these Worlds, nature and all people whether you are lucky or not. In other words, I tell you again, that the bar of a spirit is LOVE and this bar is in a shell (it is the so-called spiritual body), the foundation of this shell is to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Spirits in Hell and in Paradise identically love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, giving more or less preference to nobody. If you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY it is simply impossible to hate it. You will still have liking to someone or to something. Because it is the commandment from the Creator and it is the foundation or the shell of the bar of Love. The very Love which God cannot understand, that’s why he hates this sense and has hated those who is the transmitters of Love, that is spirits. Now look, the commandment from the Creator of the Word is to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and it is impossible to break it. Because if you hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, you will not be able to live long with the hatred to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY neither in this world nor in other. So, it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why the commandment from the Creator of the Word – to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is eternal and it is impossible to disprove such love – it is the very Love. And if you have some sense to a man, an animal, technique-it is not love. Because Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is put in us by the Creator and it cannot go out. And that sense which God has given us can go out, that sense is absolutely temporal. That temporal sense to people, animals sooner or later grow into hatred, disgust, indifference. Look,the commandment from the Creator of the Word «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» is eternal, because it is impossible to hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And that sense, which is created and called love by God is temporal. And when it go out, the sense of hatred, disgust, indifference comes instead of it. And Love cannot be temporal, Love can be only permanent, ETERNAL.

I tell it to you to make you understand – the bar of a spirit, i. e Your bar is Love and Your Bar-Love is placed in the shell which is called “Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY”. In other words, if the bar is without a shell it will be broken. A spirit (love) will not be able to sit in emptiness and loneliness for a long time. If you have not anyone to love, why you need love? So, the bar of a spirit is Love, it cannot exist without a shell. So, Love is a spirit which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. This spirit with its love tries to overcome unembracable. That’s why Love must love. It is impossible to give more love to someone and less love to others. No, it is impossible to do so, love is not divided into pieces (love a dog some love, and a cat another love), love cannot be different. Love can be only the same and the whole to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. It is impossible to love only EVERYTHING, and to be indifferent to EVERYBODY. If you do so you will choose. And only God does so. He chooses those whom he likes. And you are a spirit which has appeared according to the plan of the Creator, you must not be like God, that is to choose. Live according to the law of the Creator of the Word «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY» at the same time and at once and identically. If you love someone stronger or more than others, soon you will feel sense of disappointment, hatred, loneliness and emptiness. And if you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY at the same time and at once, you will not be able to hate it at the same time and at once. That’s why you will always love. And trust me, you love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. Show me a man who hates EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, there is not such a man, because a man definitely sympathizes with someone or something. The love from the Creator of the Word is permanent, eternal and love from God is personal, temporal.

Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY does not mean that you are obliged to help every beggar or a sick man you have met in the street. No, it is not love, it is sense of pity, compassion, mercy, sympathy, but it is not love and this sense have no any relation to love. That’s why I tell you once again, nobody can understand the sense of love, it is not given to anybody, only the Creator of the Word knows everything about love. That’s why we must not ask God for love, we are love ourselves. And as God is Light and has no any relation to love, because the Love is the bar of a spirit, and the bar is created by the Creator it is useless to ask God for love. Because Light cannot be love and it has no any relation to love. Light is Light, and Darkness is Darkness, and Light cannot be Love, but Darkness cannot be Evil. And if we are love ourselves, we cannot cause pain and sufferings to the surrounders. Yes, but we cause pain and sufferings to others, although then we always regret about it and feel the guilt. Why so? Because a spirit is closed in a physical body, and the body at the physical level is managed by either God or his son. I can say Your body is managed. In other words, each man has its fate. Nobody knows how will die and when will die or when will become ill. We do not know what will happen with us in a minute or in a second.How can we manage our fate then if we do not know what will happen with us in a moment.

Many of you noticed some interesting moments. For example, you do not want to go somewhere, because you know that nothing good expects you there. But, nevertheless, you still dress and go against the desire. So, if you do not want to go, and you manage your fate-do not go. But you go, not understanding why you do it, and something bad happens with you. And you blame yourself for that. My dear, you could not do otherwise. Because the fate is written for everybody, it is impossible to change the fate on the physical level. If Your thoughts are still changed, that is you are thinking about something at one moment and about something else at another moment. The fate is not changed at the physical level. If you must go, you will go, if you must do something, you will do it. And if you must not do it, however you try you will not do it. You know, it is strange to realize that everybody understands that he is not an owner of his fate and lives according the fate which is written by God. And a man perfectly understands, that if he is not lucky, it is his written fate. But, nevertheless, when something bad happens with him, he blames himself or other people for that. But other people also live according to the written fate and they also are not guilty in anything.

Only God is guilty of everything. And everything that happens on Earth is His and His Son’s guilt. Why do not people blame God for all misfortunes? People blame other people more frequent than God, because people are afraid to blame God. People are afraid that He will punish them or their children. But know: whether you blame God for all misfortunes or not, He however, will punish you and Your relatives as well as He did it earlier. People tell me, that large events are written, and smaller ones we are making ourselves. And I tell you, that there are not second-rate events in the fate. And nobody will allow to make chaos. Because if even one event is not written for a man or for a Planet, and a man will try to do it as he wants, and everybody will do the same, there will be chaos, and nobody will allow it. Because, if it is written for a man to live 80 years, and at some moment he will commit suicide and will die, but according to the fate he must live to

80 years, and he has died. The written fate has been broken because a man has decided to die. And if everybody begins to do so, there will be chaos. And nobody will allow chaos. That’s why I tell you with complete responsibility that the fate of a man is written minute to minute. You sometimes in the evening plan to do something, but the next day you do absolutely another things. So if you did something, you had not think about, how could you do it, if you did not think about it? Because everything is rather simple, everything is written in the fate. You have your own ideas, you are given many ideas, ideas are changed. During a second you can have many different ideas but they don’t influence on the fate. But at the physical level you do only such things which have been written for you. It is impossible neither change nor close the fate . You will live according to the fate which is written by God and His Son. It cannot be otherwise.

That’s why I have told you in the book, that there are few people who can read the fate of a man from the power field of the Creation. They can predict the fate. So the fate is already written for everybody and it cannot be changed. If a man thinks about something, then he tries to do it at the physical level, in the real life- it has been written in the fate. And if a man simply has thought about something and has not realized the ideas, and he will not try to do it, these ideas come to a man from outside, and they do not influence on the fate of this man. Everything you do at the physical level and everything Your physical body does – everything is written in your fate. God put a spirit in a physical body and manages this body. And you can think what you want, but your physical body does what is written for it in the fate. If a man does not want to do something, and then he does it (because it is written in the fate) and his activities have caused his crippleness,the man blames himself for this accident but he does not blame God. You see, how God torments spirits. Everybody knows about it, but do nothing because God wants it.

A man is not always given the ideas which are written in the fate. For example, sometimes a man says that he successfuly does everything he has thought about. It means that spirits which serve God and are responsible for the ideas give the correct ideas to this man. Such people are named “lucky”. Because everything that this man plans he successfuly does. And vice versa. A man sometimes has ideas which are not written in the fate. And a man, listening his thoughts (as he thinks) tries to do something, but he can do nothing. Finally the man does something that is written in the fate in spite of the fact that he does not think about it. And his activity finishes either well or badly. Because the man cannot do anything that is not written in the fate, it is not given him to do it. And the man blames himself or other people. You see how cunning God does. If at the physical level you went and broke a leg (and it was not written in your fate ) then you would lie with the broken leg. According your fate you must work,but you are in a hospital at this time. If all people begin to do so, it will be chaos. God and His Son will not allow chaos in their house. That’s why everything that happens with people, both good or bad, everything is written in the fate by God or His Son. A spirit cannot cause pain and suffering another spirit, it is not given to it. Remember, you have read in the book, that one sheep cannot eat another sheep, it is not created for it. The same is with people. A spirit in a human body or a man cannot cause pain and sufferings to another man, a spirit is not created for this purpose. But when a spirit is in a physical body, the physical body is managed by God and His Son or their first helpers. And the man does not even understand what he does. The man beats another man, not understanding what he does. The man stabs another man with a knife or kills another man, not controlling himself and his body. And then, when the man understands what he has done, it is already too late. And then the man proves to everybody and to himself that he has done everything without his will, and he does not know how it has happened. He begins to blame himself for everything that has happened.Sometimes people blame the Dark. And it has happened because it is written in the fate. Whether you want it or do not want it, it will happen, because it is written by God or His Son. And it is not a man’s guilt that he has become a thief, an executioner,a killer, a professor or a maniac. It is written in his fate. Every bullet have its billet. And it is impossible to change a fate. It is written for one man to be a president, and to other man to be a killer-maniac. Nobody asks a spirit what fate he wants. He is simply put before the fact, that he must regenerate in a physical body. And when a man goes away to Paradise or to Hell, he does not regenerate on Earth. So, my dear , whoever you are, whatever You do, absolutely everything is written by God in the fate. It is written for one to plough land, for other to kill people, for the third to kill animals etc. It is impossible to change the fate which is written by God.

God put a spirit in a physical body, and began to manage this body. Look, your body makes so many involuntary motions about which you even do not think and you do not even notice these motions and do not control them. For example: you gesticulate your hands when you are talking, you move feet and hands when you are walking along the street, you are not aware of your actions. You do not make your hands and feet to move. Your physical body does everything itself, you do not give any commands. Your physical body produces different actions (you bury your hands in pockets, gesticulate, revolve by your head, stamp feet et cetera) not asking you. It is not reflex, your physical body simply does those motions which are written for it, and you cannot even control them. So, everything Your body does and creates (kills, cuts, drives a car etc.) is written in its fate. And you must not blame yourself for it. You must blame only God. Because, if you accidentally have hit a man by a car to death, it is written for you, and it is not Your guilt.

Spirits-people have the Bar-Love which is inside a shell “to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY”. That is you are Love yourself, which loves everything that is created for it,i.e EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. God put a physical body with different diseases and vital problems on this bar which is inside a shell. The body has crushed the bar with a shell so that a man has forgotten about a spirit, a man has forgotten about who he is, that he is from the Creator and he is free, and nobody has no the right to force him to remain where he does not want to be. And nobody has no the right to force a man (spirit)to do anything he does not want to do.

If you understand that God and His Son(not you) are responsible for everything you think and you do, you will stop blaming yourself for everything you do. And if you understand that changing the fate is impossible and stop blaming yourself for everything, and stop calling yourself a looser, you will stop blaming yourself for everything. You must understand that according to the plan of the Creator you are a free spirit which has the right to choose what he wants. Then you will not be afraid of the next day because everything that will happen tomorrow is written by God and His Son and nothing depends of you, and there is no Your guilt here. God and His Son are responsible for your whole life, whatever it is good or bad. And you must not atone for so-called your sins which they have written for you, but they must take responsibility for their actions against you and for their lie and treachery. And whoever you are: a doctor or a killer, a professor or a thief, a maniac or a psychologist – there is not Your guilt here. It is written for you in the fate, and it is impossible to change the fate, trust me. For example a man by some reason did not fly by plane, and then appeared, that this plane had wrecked. It does not mean that the man has given up the flight because he has heard about a danger and it does not mean that a man has deceived the fate. Everything was written for him – it was shown to me. I have seen it – where, how and who writes the human fates and also fates for animals, nature and the Planet. It is written not only by God, it is written by God, His Son and first helpers.

You remember, it is written in the book, that God has said spirits: those spirits who remain with Him in Light and submit only to Him and to His Son, these spirits will get the power over spirits which are in the physical and other bodies. So, many Spirits take part in writing of human fates, because each of them wants to bring big or small contribution (which he can bring according to his hierarchy) in the fate of the spirit which is in the physical body. God let them do it. As the Spirits are different and have different position on a hierarchical stair, each of the Spirits brings something he thinks possible in the fate of a man . The human fate is written to the smallest details, trust me on a word. God and His Son write your fate from the moment of birth to the moment of death. And it is impossible to change the fate. God makes people to kill,to force,to rob,to steal etc. according to the fate. That’s why I can say with a complete confidence and responsibility that it is God who writes the fate for a man and make him to do various crimes and negative acts.

You remember, it is said in the book, that spirits will go away to Paradise or to Hell. At the beginning there will be not many such spirits, but their amount will constantly increase. Then the amount of such spirits which will go away to Paradise and to Hell will more and more increase. So more and more people will go away to Paradise and to Hell, passing (not getting) by Purgatory. Because everyone, who will read this book – knows that he will not get to Purgatory, if he does not choose it. And he knows the truth, and he knows what he needs to do and how to act. Accordingly, if Purgatory is empty, it will slowly disappear . Because in Purgatory will be only those spirits which worship God and have chosen expiation of sins. Accordingly, if some area of Purgatory is empty,it disappears because nobody needs it.

You have read in the book that the time will come when all spirits will go away to Paradise or to Hell and there will not be people on Earth. So, as many spirits will go away as less spirits will get to Earth , accordingly less and less spirits will get to Purgatory. And if even one torture stands without work for short time, it disappears forever and only God can recover it and it will take Him much force. And when the last man will leave the Earth for Hell or Paradise, by that time the last tortures of Purgatory will disappear forever and Purgatory after the lack of need will disappear forever without a right for renewal. Because nobody will torture spirits anymore. Because the last torture and the last reminder about the old director disappeared.

God put a physical body on the bar of spirit (Love) which is in the shell - to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and began to manage the body and the body began to manage a spirit. The body wants to rest, to eat, the body is cold or hot. The body becomes ill. God does everything to make a spirit in the physical body constantly feel discomfort. And the body so strongly began to manage the spirit: it wants to take away wrinkles, it wants to wear the pretty clothes et cetera, so the body has absorbed the spirit that the spirit has no time and cannot look at itself and look inside it and ask question – what he does here, how he has find itself here and how long he has been here? God has closed all information from people and does all possible to make people on Earth to be fully absorbed by domestic, material and different other various problems and confusions. God does all possible, that a man is concentrated on his physical body and on this physical life. Because God is not interested in spirit’s concentration on the internal world. When a physical body dies, and a spirit at last rids of it, absolutely all problems leave a man. Because, when, vividly speaking, a man is in a spirit, and his physical body is dead, the man rids of all problems which has made the physical body for him. When the spirit leaves his physical body and gets to another world,the spirit does not want to return back to its physical body. Because, when a spirit gets rid of the physical body and of all problems which are made by the physical body, the spirit has the only sense-it is Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

You know that many people were at the line of death, but they were returned for some reason. These people tell the following: they found themselves in the bright light, they were so well there, that they did not want to return back. Why so? Because, when a spirit gets rid of a physical body, it has the only sense-it is Love to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why the Spirit does not want to go back into the physical body, where it is again expected by lie, treachery, hatred, etc.A spirit wants to get rid of everything God has given him, of some senses, of life problems. He wants to have the only sense-to Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. That’s why a man does not want to be back to his physical body but God returns him in the body by any way. A man thinks that he is an owner of the fate. A spirit or a man cannot be the owner of his fate, having 10% mental development. And God and His Son will not allow it. Only the spirit which has 100% mental development can be the owner of his fate. Such spirits are the competent owners of the fate. And in the spiritual World God cannot write a fate-it is the only place of all Worlds, created by God, where God cannot write a fate. If in Paradise, God can talk about something with the spirit which has 100% mental development of brain and persuade it into something (for example, to get down on Earth) , in Hell spirits do not absolutely submit to God. Because Light hangs in Darkness and Light is weak before Darkness. Light cannot manage all Darkness, because Light is created in Darkness. I have already told you: Light is crumbs of bread on the table of Darkness. Look at the sky and you will understand everything.

Look, how everybody suffers here on Earth- both people and animals, and nature. They say – nature does not have bad weather,they say –it is difficult to please a man. No, God does everything to make a man to feel discomfort in a physical body. A body constantly has illnesses and feels weather discomfort. There is such weather on Earth, that a man feels discomfort: it is cold, hot, snow or rain. God does everything here on Earth to torture people, birds, animals as much as it is possible here. Look at birds, the poor ones, how much they suffer: in fact the birds need to cross seas and oceans to hatch, many of them die. Look at the poor animals, they suffer both from cold and from heat, and from hunger. And nature also suffers from drought, heat, floods, natural disasters. God has made life unbearable on Earth. But God has done everything that people which are not absolutely guilty, blame themselves for all misfortunes on Earth. So God makes a cat’s paw out of other people.

Think, who needs hunger and wars on Earth? People say that the Dark need it. Now think, why the Dark need wars and hunger, why they need human deaths, if all people go to Purgatory? Only God needs all wars, hunger, natural disasters, everything that mass kills people. Because God has created Purgatory, and it must be always filled. If some areas of Purgatory are empty and stand without work for some time, they disappear as not wanted. And it is very difficult for God to recover the area of Purgatory, it is like a scientist who recovers an old manuscript, it is a bit problematic, but possibly. So God will not allow Purgatory to stand without work. That’s why God does wars, hunger, natural disasters and everything that kills people, but only necessary amount. Only God and His Son need all wars, hunger and everything that kills people.

I say you, when you have read this book, you will not already be afraid of God. Because you know the truth, and who knows the truth, there is nothing to be afraid of. So, my dear ,live as well as you live according to the fate. You cannot change it and you cannot add anything to it. Live as well as you have lived, solve problems and questions as God has written for you, because you cannot do otherwise. Live and wait for the hour of your death . When death will come, and you will die, Your spirit will be carried through the so-called tunnel to the waiting room of Purgatory. It is a room in which there are not walls and it is impossible to overcome it. This room is full of bright Light. So you will appear in the waiting room of Purgatory, filled with bright Light. Then you will hear in your mind the pretty, quiet voice. It will say you, that you have died, have left your physical body and have appeared before Light, in order to learn Your sins. They want to know, whether you are ready to atone the sins. You will be said that if you will not atone the sins, you will not be able to get to Paradise, because sinners are in Hell. Then you will see in your mind all Your life and you will remember everything to the smallest details, everything that have happened with you in this life. You also will remember about this book, you will remember it to the smallest details, you will remember everything, that you have read, you will remember everything that you have thought about, you will remember everything.

Those people who did not read this book, they would be asked by the second helpers of Son of God in Light. Because neither Son of God nor God is interested in those people who worship Him. Because God knows, that sheep which worship Him does not know the truth and it is not interesting to Him. And when a man, who has read this book, and who has his opinion about God and His Son will appear in Light, Son of God or His first helpers will talk with such a man. Because such a man is the rebellious sheep, and this sheep needs to be quickly driven in a herd. That’s why Son of God will speak with the man who has read this book, in order to drive the rebellious sheep back in the herd. You will be shown Your life and pointed on those sins that you have done living on Earth in the physical body. You will be said that if you atone your sins you will get to Paradise, and you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory. All over Paradise of Purgatory there are fields, gardens, flowers, small rivers, lakes, interesting buildings – it is Paradise of Purgatory. And you also will be said that if you do not atone the sins, you will get to Hell. And you will be shown tortures of Purgatory and that place in Purgatory which is called Hell by the Light spirits. Because in this place of Purgatory there are such tortures, that it is terrible even speak about them. Accordingly, when a spirit has looked at Paradise of Purgatory and on that Hell which God has created in Purgatory, the spirit at once says that he is ready to atone his sins, he does not want to stay in Hell. When a spirit sees tortures of Purgatory he is shocked, because he has never heard and seen it. And when he is said that it is Hell, the spirit agrees with everything because he does not want to get there. That’s why the spirit does not even ask what means expiation of sins and how it happens. The spirit with gladness agrees to expiation, and as soon as he agrees, he at once gets to Purgatory, to tortures and torments for indefinite term. In Purgatory the spirit does not understand when he dies or regenerates, he feels permanent unbearable pain. It is like a man on Earth who does not understand how and when he is born and how and when he has died. The man does not realize it, he simply lives from birth to death. The same is with the spirit in Purgatory,he does not understand that he regenerates and dies, he simply feels permanent unbearable pain and sufferings between the birth and death.

There are people who ask: «What is expiation of sins?» Those, who are in Light tells them, that expiation of sins is to beg pardon of God, and as soon as God forgives the spirit at once gets to Paradise. And spirits agree with gladness. Do not believe this lie, because as soon as you agree with expiation of sins, you at once will find yourself in Purgatory and it is not easy to go out from Purgatory . So expiation of sins really consists of begging for God’s mercy. But those from Light, who tells it, does not tell about one moment – where you must pray for expiation of sins, but you must do it in Purgatory. And a spirit, being boiling in boiling water, cries in agony, asking and begging pardon of God, and does not know for what.

So spirits beg pardon of God for the sins in caldrons, in tortures. They beg pardon having here unbearable pain and sufferings. And you must agree yourself to atone the so-called sins, that is to give a voluntarily consent. Do not do it nowise!

But the man who has read this book, will ask nothing neither God nor His Son! The man who has read this book knows, who is God (director), who is Son of God, how they treat spirits, and what you can expect from them. Such a man knows the truth. And if a man knows the truth, it is impossible to intimidate and entice such a man. Such people who will read this book will be the most dangerous and most obstinate and rebellious rams for God and His Son.

Remember, my dear ,those who have read this book and have memorized that the truth is the truth, a lie is a lie, Light is Light, and Darkness is Darkness, they cannot be good or bad. And that every spirit is Love which Loves EVERYTHING that is created for him, EVERYBODY who is created for him. When such a man will die, his spirit, getting through a tunnel, will appear in Light, in the waiting room of Purgatory and Son of God or His first helpers will talk with such a spirit. Because it is the sheep, which has strayed from a herd and such a sheep needs to be returned in the herd by intimidation, fear, flattery and by other possible ways. Besides this sheep needs to be punished by all possible methods. So, when the man who knows the truth, who has read this book dies, he also will be carried through a tunnel. And the man begins to understand and realize that he cannot return back (that he has died) , and the man understands that he is already the spirit and there is nobody near him, the life on Earth has remained in the past. And the spirit through the tunnel gets to the waiting room of Purgatory. I have already told you, what is the waiting room of Purgatory – a room which has no walls, which is filled with bright Light. A spirit gets in bright Light and understands that he has found himself before Light. He understands that it will be necessary to be responsible for all sins, for everything, that he has done wrong in this life, for all good and bad acts. I saw how many spirits had fallen on their knees. The spirit unwillingly feels original fear, the fear before Light, the fear before Court. He understands that it will be necessary to be responsible for the whole life. The spirit is in original tensity. And suddenly, the spirit (a man)clearly hears clear, kind, sedative voice which comes as though from Light. This voice tells the spirit that he must not be afraid of nobody, nobody will offend him here, that he is loved and waited here, that there is nothing to be afraid of, that if he loves God he must not worry, because God loves everybody and forgives everything. The voice tells many things disposing the spirit to itself. When they will talk to the spirit, they will show him his life. His whole life is shown to the spirit as on the large screen to the smallest details, it is impossible to hide anything . They make the spirit to remember absolutely everything, everything is taken from his memory, everything that it has, it is impossible to hide something. And everything that the spirit remembers is shown him as on the large invisible screen. The spirit is fully absorbed by this process. The spirit’s attention is accented on some events from his life. He is pointed on the so-called sins, on some acts which God does not like, on some moments and situations from the life of the spirit. So all Your life from the moment of birth to the moment of death will be shown you. And you will remember everything. You will remember the forgotten moments of Your life, you will remember everything. Then you will be pointed on you Your so-called sins which you have done in your life. Then you will be said that in order to get to Paradise you need to atone these sins and you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory. But if the spirit does not want to clear up himself and wants to remain in the sins and get to Hell (they show the spirit that place in Purgatory, where the most frightful tortures are), they will not prevent from it, it is his choice, they have given it to him. When the spirit sees the place in Purgatory which is shown him and is called Hell, the spirit feels such fear which is impossible to imagine. Because the spirit is shown the most frightful and terrible place in Purgatory which the Light spirits has named Hell of Purgatory. There are the most frightful tortures of Purgatory in that place. It is better to burn in a fire than stand such tortures. So the gentle voice says you that in order to get to Paradise, you need to clear yourself, because you are sinful, and the sinful man cannot get to Paradise. They show Paradise of Purgatory: gardens, lakes, fields et cetera. If you ask what clearing is, it will be said you, that you must pray God for forgiveness of the sins. When God will hear Your petition, Your prayers, He will take pity above you and Your clearing will be complete. But nobody says, where the clearing will take place. There are many things which are not told to the spirit, everything that is told is a lie. When the spirit remembers Hell of Purgatory, remembers those frightful tortures which have been shown him, remembers everything that he has seen there the spirit cries in horror, he says that he does not want to get to Hell. He agrees to take any clearing just not to get to Hell, and agree to stand any clearing to get to Paradise. As soon as the spirit talks it he will sign sentence upon himself. The spirit at once finds himself in tortures of Purgatory. In Purgatory, in frightful unbearable tortures the spirit begins to pray of God for forgiveness, and standing unbearable tortures and sufferings, in frightful tortures he prays for forgiveness of the sins which are created by God. Every spirit is in Purgatory as long as God or His Son has defined him.

I can say you the following, I have seen Purgatory, there are different places there. There are wonderful and good places, there are tolerant and satisfactory ones, there are bad and unendurable ones, there are frightful and unbearable ones, and there are such places which I cannot describe, because such a category of cruelty is not simply exist. For example, there is a place in Purgatory which Light spirits, being in real Paradise, name Hell. Why do they name it so? Because the spirits(people),which on Earth have inverted Star, which under the sign of Star have done different offerings and evil, get there. The people who under the name of Satan have done some evil. The people who inverted the Star and implanted the head of an animal with horns on it and associated all this deformity with Satan. All of those who are considered to be Dark and Satanists, carrying evil, hatred, tears, violence, tortures and sufferings, those spirits get to so-called Hell of Purgatory. I do not even want to remember it! Because this deformity cannot be compared with anything. Trust me, my dear ,it is better not to get to so-called Hell of Purgatory, because there are the most frightful tortures there. Why is the spirit asked what he chooses: Hell or Paradise? Because the spirit is Love which loves EVERYTHING that is created for him. And the spirit is free. And nobody can violently subject the spirit to tortures, if only the spirit agrees to atone all sins himself. In other words, he must voluntarily throw himself in tortures. And when the spirit agrees to expiation, i.e. tortures, it is already his right. There is nothing to punish the spirit for. The bar of the spirit or the spirit of the spirit is Love, and it cannot be closed and forbidden.

So the spirit is Love, he must live according to the commandment «Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY». Everything that is made and created, is done for the good of spirits. Because, if it will not make happy a spirit (a worker), but it will make happy only God (director), what is use of such Creation? That’s why the spirit is Love and there is nothing to punish him for . The spirit needs, as well as before, to travel through the different Worlds, Measurings, to study the Creation and love it. As well as it was, it must be and it will be!

But God has put a physical body on the spirit, has rewarded this body by the heap of illnesses, has created an unbearable life on Earth. God has written a fate for the physical body . So the spirit lives in the physical body according to the fate. A human physical body does everything that is written for him in the fate. Remember, how many times you did not want to do something, or to go somewhere, but your physical body lifted you and did what it had to do. Why do God and His Son punish spirits after death of the physical body? In fact the spirit is Love, he is clean and sinless from the moment of his creation. And the spirit lived in the physical body, which submitted to the fate written by God. So, if the spirit was in the body unwillingly and by deception, and this physical body sinned, because God had written his fate and God managed this body, let God take the dead body which has sinned and punish it. The spirit is not guilty, he has released from this prison, from this body, what is the spirit punished for? He was closed in this prison by God.

You know, my dear ,I am so sorry for those people who have not read this book. Because these people will see nothing except for Purgatory and regeneration. Well, as the saying goes – to each his own. You will ask me – where I know all of it from? Everything that takes place in Light is perfectly seen and heard in Darkness only for those who wants to see and hear it. Everything was shown me from Darkness. And I saw everything that I could see. And what I could not see was explained to me and told me. And I tell you, especially I speak to those, who has read this book. When the time of your death will come, you, as well as another people, will fly through a tunnel and will appear in bright Light. It is the waiting room of Purgatory. I have told you, but I must repeat it again, that either Son of God or his first helpers will talk to you, because the rebellious sheep which knows the truth, must be driven in a herd. They will do all possible to remain you in Purgatory or, at least, send you to the real Paradise. They will do all possible the spirit will not go to the real Hell. They will talk for a long time with such a spirit who has read this book, all depends on the spirit’s desire to see and to know the real truth. So, when you appear in the waiting room of Purgatory, filled with bright Light, I have already said you, who will talk with you. They will talk for a long time and convincingly, then you will begin to remember everything. Everything, absolutely everything will be taken from your memory and you will remember everything. And you will remember this book, from the first to the last letter. And you will be said that this book is a lie and a device. Do not believe them, they lie you, and you will be assured in it soon. And you, as well as other spirits, will be pointed at your sins which you have done being here on Earth in the physical body. But you have read this book and you know what you need to say, and who is God and His Son. When you will remember everything, that Your memory has, you will remember this book, and you will remember it from the first letter to the last letter. And when you will remember everything, and voice which sounds from Light will point You at Your defects and at Your sins you will not already be afraid of this voice. Because you will remember this book. And you will understand that you talk with one of the powerful Light spirits, which by all means will try to keep you in Purgatory. But if you resist he will try to keep you in Paradise by all means He will try to dissuade you from Hell. He will remind you of all Your sins, will point at Your bad acts and vulgar ideas. In general, He will sort out Your life . Then He will say that you need to atone your sins, because sinners cannot get to Paradise, the sinners are in Hell. And if you refuse to atone sins, you will get to Hell as a sinner, and if you atone your sins, you will enter Paradise as a clean spirit. Do not agree with this lie, do not sign a sentence to yourself, do not be afraid of their lie. And you will be shown Paradise of Purgatory or maybe you will be shown the real Paradise because you know the truth. And then you will be shown Hell of Purgatory. Well, I can say you, that there is such ugliness in the Hell of Purgatory. This ugliness is created by God to frighten and torture spirits. Everybody, who has seen it, faints from the word Hell. But you have read this book, you know the truth and you can say Him: «What you will judge me for? From the Creator of the Word, I am Love. From the Creator of the Word my Love stands on the foundation to love everything that is created according to the plan of the Creator of the Word. And I love this Creation, these Worlds, these Creations. Now I am before you,the spirit, what is the sin of my spirit? My spirit is clean. And your sinful body, is not mine, it is your physical one, and you have put me there, you have not even asked me. That’s why take and punish the dead physical body now, because it has sinned. » And whoever you were during the life: a thief, a killer, an executioner, a maniac etc., it was not your guilt. It is the fate which has been written for the physical body and you (spirit Love) has been put in this body. And Your physical body not always submitted you, and you did not agree with everything you had done during your life. And you will say: «I am the spirit - Love, who loves the Creation, who knows and remembers about the Creator of the Word. And I have a complete right to look at my habitat and at habitat of my brothers -spirits, I have right to look at the real Paradise and the real Hell». You will be said, that you will have already seen real Paradise and real Hell. You will say that this is Paradise and Hell of Purgatory, and you want to see real Paradise and real Hell.No matter what He says, you must know that He cannot show you real Hell. Real Hell will be opened only to that spirit, who wants to know the truth, who knows what and whom he wants to see. That’s why you must demand . Why demand? Because you are Love, which has been deceived and having put in the physical body they has made you to do bad acts and suffer from torments. Now you know the truth, that’s why you have the right to require. And you talk:

« I require to show me real Hell.

Hell, which stands in Darkness, that Darkness which is stronger than Light, Darkness where Light hangs- Light God.

Hell which is more beautiful and better than Paradise.

Hell which stands in the Darkness, where spirits see in Darkness as well as in Light.

Hell where all spirits are equal and absolutely all of them have 100% level of development of brain.

Hell where all spirits have sense of Love and observe the only commandment of the Creator of the Word, they Love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

Hell where there is not scream, crying, suffering, torture, pain, despair. Where there is not difference between the Dark and the Light spirits, they differ only by clothes.

Hell where there are not tortures and nobody suffers , where there are not tears .

Hell where justice and equality reigns and the law of the Creator of the Word is observed, where there is gladness and happiness, which stands at the same level with Paradise.

Hell where Satan is recognized as the only master and sovereign and where the only Satan governs and commands. Satan, which rose in revolt against God for spirits.

Show me the Dark spirits in the Hell».

It does not mean that you must say it word for word according to the text, certainly not, say it in your own words, but close with this text. As soon as you say it, Darkness will open and will show you real Hell.

«I want you to show me real Paradise, which stands in Light, which is created by God. Paradise, where all spirits have 100% level of development of brain, Paradise, where God and the Son of God govens, Paradise, where all spirits are happy in their own way. Paradise which stands at the same level with Hell, show me the Light spirits in Paradise». As soon as you say so Light will open Paradise for you.

Darkness will show you Hell and Light will show you Paradise. When you require to show you Hell and Paradise you can talk your own words, such words which you consider necessary to say. As soon as you demand to show you real Paradise and Hell, Darkness will open Hell for you, and Light will open Paradise for you. And paths from Paradise and from Hell will stretch to you. You will see real Hell in all its beauty, but not that Hell, about which Bible has told you and that Hell which you have seen in Purgatory. And you will see Paradise in all its beauty. You are Love and there is not a sin on you, Your spirit is clean. It is God who has sinned by Your physical body on Earth, because He has written the fate for it, and there is not Your sin and cannot be. That’s why the paths from Paradise and from Hell will stretch to you. Go there, where you have chosen, any Your choice is Your choice, and it will be fair. The voice from Light which has talked to you will disappear at once, as soon as real Hell and Paradise will appear. Choose yourself, it is your choice. But, wherever you will come: to Hell or to Paradise, you will be met by Your brothers spirits. They will help you to accelerate the mental development of brain to 100%, to make you the competent and valuable spirit of Hell or Paradise in the shortest time. Nobody has the right to say the spirit, that he needs to deserve Paradise. Paradise is the habitat of spirits. Paradise was created for spirits, he was created, when Hell has not existed yet. The spirit is Love, the spirit cannot be sinful. There is no the spirit’s guilt that God closed him in a physical (human) body, and God wrote the fate for this body and made him to sin. Then, when death takes away the physical body, and the poor spirit at last releases from this prison, his gladness is clouded because he is told that he has sinned in the human body and now he must atone these sins. And the poor spirit believes in everything, that he is told. He believes because he does not know the truth. The one who has read this book, will not be deceived neither God nor the Son of God nor His spirits. Because such a spirit knows the truth and he will not listen fibs of God and His Son.

I will also say you, will not call people after you. Do not give bread to satisfied people, but give bread to those who will come to you. You cannot refuse to those who asks. Help to find the truth to those who searches it, if he wishes it and wants to know the truth. Give an answer to that man who will come to you with a question. In fact you know answers for all questions now.

Do not enter any religious, cult sects or church meetings. Do not go there because there is only lie there. And you are told everywhere, that God is good, you need to worship Him, that people are sinful and must atone the sins. Do not bring money to a church. Priests make a profit on Your money. It is better to spend this money for something you consider it necessary. You need not trust a church, priests, all of them decieve you.

You have read this book and follow the road of the truth and do not be afraid of God and His Son. So go bravely and do not be afraid of nothing and nobody, neither God, nor His Son, nor a church nor priests. And if you on this path have met the like-minded person who thinks as well as you, team up with him and with other like-minded people which think as well as you. Because it is difficult to fight alone against (directors) God. Trust me, I know it. I say you once again, those who have chosen the way of the truth, unite!

People say: ”A man will not be given more tests than he can bear.” I tell you, that it is not so. Any man can be written such a fate, that another man cannot bear. Blame for everything only those who writes the fate . It is the guilt of God and His Son. Only God and His Son are guilty of all Your sins and misfortunes. When a man has the favourable fate he is given the correct ideas, and everything he thinks and does and speaks about he easily pan out. Such people are named lucky ones or successful people. They say that they think and do everything themselves-it is a lie. It is written in their fate. But some people can do nothing they plan, nothing pans out. Whatever he does, nothing pans out, whatever he thinks, nothing comes true. Such people are named unlucky persons, and I again tell you-it is a lie. It is so written in their fate. More good moments are written for some people, less good moments are written for other people.

My dear, blame neither yourself nor other people for all those acts that you or other people have done.

This book gives answers for any Your questions. If you carefully read it and analyse everything and say that it is actual, you will wake up! Your time has come, and now you look at the life with other eyes.

At the end, I will say you so. Live as you live, according to your fate. You cannot change your fate and do not try to change it, you cannot do it. That’s why live as you live. If you want, you can worship God, If you do not want –do not, it is Your right. Remember always the Creator of the Word ! And do everything you do, however you cannot change all these acts, all affairs, all events which will happen with you(no matter they are good or bad) ,you cannot change or avoid them in any way. And if it is written in your fate to be a killer, no matter you want it or not, you will go to kill. And you will resist and will repent and ask God for help however it will not help. Your body will go, will take some instrument of murder and will search the victim. The body kills a body. Tell me, what is the spirit’s guilt? He is closed in the physical body, repents before God for the acts of his physical body. And the physical body continues to kill. The spirit into the body does not want more murders, and he asks God to forgive him, but God, as well as always, does not hear him and the body continues to kill the other body. That’s why, my dear , whoever you are according to your fate and whatever you do, what acts you do, good or bad, there is no your guilt in it. All responsibility for Your whole life on Earth, for those acts, good or bad, which you have done, all responsibility lay only on God and His Son.

So now when know everything or almost everything, say honestly to yourself: « who must be judged for the sins of a spirit in a human body? The spirit, who lived according to the fate written by God or God and His Son?» Certainly it is the guilt only of God and His Son. Only God and His Son must bear the real punishment for the sins of all humanity, they have done them, they must atone them. And it will be so soon! A new director will come and will replace the old director, and the son will be taken away there, where his place already waits for him, where there is the very place for him and his father. God changes in a spirit. I tell you, one spirit comes, another goes away.

Remember about the Creator of the Word, remember that He exists, do not forget Him. Try to express the Creator of the Word without a word. Nobody can do it. Live according the fate untill death will release you from the physical body. And when Your time to appear in Light will come, do not be afraid of anything, and do not agree with anything, do not give in a deception and a lie. You will be persuaded, you even will be threatened affectionately, do not agree with anything. And as soon as you demand to show you that Hell, which you want to see (I have told you what you must say)and that Paradise which you want to see, at once Darkness will open and will show you Hell, and Light at once will open and will show you Paradise. Go by any road which you have chosen. And whatever you choose, Hell or Paradise, it is Your choice and it will be the fair choice in any case.

Everything that you have read in this book and in its addition I was shown, and something that I could not see I was told. I have told and retold you everything, as well as I can do it. And you have to decide , what to trust: to this book or to the Bible. What to choose: Hell or Paradise, Dark or Light, the Creator of the Word or God, it is Your right. The Dark call to remember and not to forget the Creator of the Word, but the Light call to worship, to serve God (to the director). In other words, the Dark tell you to live as well as you live according to the fate. However you cannot change it, but remember always about the Creator of the Word. And remember that you have not any guilt and sins, and there is nothing to judge you for , and nobody has the right to judge you . When you will die, demand to show you the very Hell which you will say, and the very Paradise which you will say. It is your choice. Whatever you choose, it will be wonderful, fair and principally Your choice!

And I also, my dear , will say so: those who have read this book and have not believed in any line-it is Your right. Live as well as you live, change nothing, and do nothing. However, you will not change the fate! Be such, what you are.

But I have the only request – when Your time will come, and you will get to the waiting room of Purgatory, demand or even say, to show you real Hell and real Paradise. And say, necessarily, what kind of real Hell and real Paradise you want to see. And everything you will say, will appear immediately. And you will understand where is the truth and where is a lie. Choose what you want, go by any path, either to Hell, or to Paradise. It is your choice!

At the end I will say you the following, and I will say you goodbye here. The Earth is one of the youngest Planets. And people which live here have the minimum level of the development of brain. The information of technical plan is given people from other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The information which is given people from the Spiritual world is processed, analysed and deeply studied by other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The information from this book is already studied by many Extraterrestrial Civilizations. If this true information about real Hell and Paradise was given to other Extraterrestrial Civilization before than to humanity, this information would not get to people. Because Extraterrestrial Civilization will not give the information of spiritual plan to people. And people will never know this information. And people would go round in a circle: Life, Death, Purgatory, Regeneration. And so for ever and ever. That’s why a decision has been made ( you need not know by whom), to give this information to people on Earth, and automatically this information will spread around all the Creation, around all Measurings, around the whole Worlds, around all temporal measurings. While humanity will be studying and perceiving the information from this book, other Extraterrestrial Civilizations will be using this information .

Because this book is the only possibility to get to the Spiritual world ( Hell or Paradise) forever. If the process of getting to the Spiritual world (Hell or Paradise) will take people on Earth thousand years (maybe more and maybe less), at other Extraterrestrial Civilizations this process will happen more quickly, than on Earth. When all spirits will go away from the Creation to the Spiritual world, Hell or Paradise,the Dark spirits will go out from Hell and will team up with the Light spirits. And spirits again will become the organic whole. As at the beginning, when spirits were one single whole. And then the question about the necessity of existence of position of director (God) will be put. And if the decision about the lack of need in existence of position of director (God) is taken by absolutely all spirits, this position (that is God), will be taken away forever. Because nobody will give a guarantee, that a new director (God) in course of time will become as well as the old director (God). And as soon as position of the director (God) is taken away, and the spirit (God) is taken away, all those senses which are created by the old director(God) will disappear at once. It is all those senses which a person has-it is the sense of malice, hatred, pity, kindness, fear, disappointment, revenge, suffering, despair, et cetera and others like that. I will not list all senses, you perfectly know them, because you constantly and daily feel them. All these senses are created by God (by a director) and all these senses will disappear with God ( a director). Because all these senses were created God out of the plan of the Creator of the Word. God created these senses to make a spirit suffer. Everything that is created out of the Plan of the Creator of the Word by God will disappear with Him. And everything that is created according to the plan of the Creator of the Word will remain. There will be Creations, Worlds, Measurings, in general all, that must be according to the plan of the Creator of the Word and a spirit- Love, which loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And everything will come to what everything has been begun with. When the spirit- Love, traveled around the Creation, Worlds, Measurings with the only sense – he Loved EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

And it will be how it has been said in the book.

Essence of life is the Creator of the Word and the spirit- Love, which Loves EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. It will be so.

That’s why, my dear , read this book, cognize the truth, be afraid of nothing. Choice is after you!

I love you all. I wish you all blessings.

With respect Alexander Bugaenko. 2016

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